Tag - gender-discrimination



Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Dec 17, 2018
In lawsuit, consumer group alleges discrimination by Tokyo Medical University
The Consumers Organization of Japan is demanding that test fees and associated costs be paid back to the impacted applicants.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2018
Womenomics: Mend the gap
More Japanese women are working, but many still professionally underachieve.
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2018
Showa University admits improper practices in medical school admissions, but denies gender discrimination
The development comes as the education ministry probes irregularities involving 81 universities with medical schools, following revelations of systems disadvantaging women and older applicants.
Oct 13, 2018
Choosing the best students isn't easy
In sharply unequal societies, elite universities receiving government funds can properly be expected to play a role in fostering social mobility.
Oct 5, 2018
Tokyo adopts ordinance banning discrimination against LGBT community
The rule is the first ordinance at the prefectural level to contain a stipulation prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people and other sexual and gender minorities.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2018
Support group for victims of Tokyo Medical University's discriminatory admissions policies urges investigators to reveal scores
A support group for those subject to discrimination through Tokyo Medical University's admissions policies, which favored male students, said Monday it had requested that the university's third-party investigation release the scores of students who took the exams and want to know their scores.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2018
Tokyo Medical University scandal is a throwback to when discrimination against women was the norm
Listening to the excuses being given for discrimination today, it's almost as if 1985's Equal Opportunity Act never happened.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Aug 26, 2018
The convenience of contemporary style
The fashion world is responding to our current era's obsession with convenience. It's packaging products in ready-to-go servings, making fashion approachable and easy, not to mention turning shopping into a fun experience for all.
Japan Times
Aug 13, 2018
Gender discrimination: Nation's dignity is being questioned
Are the rigged entrance exams at Tokyo Medical University merely the tip of the iceberg?
Aug 8, 2018
Tokyo Medical University scandal just reaffirmed what many female doctors already knew: The bar was higher for them
The admissions scandal in which Tokyo Medical University admitted to manipulating females' entrance exams did not come as a surprise for many women doctors, but rather was verification of what they had suspected for a long time: Some medical universities set the bar higher for women.
Aug 4, 2018
Doctored entrance exam scores
Instead of seeking to restrict opportunities for women to pursue a career in medicine, it makes more sense to remove the hurdles that female doctors face in their work environment.
JAPAN / Society / FOCUS
Apr 22, 2018
Me Too rises in Japan as sexually harassed journalists speak out
Women journalists in Japan join the growing ranks of the Me Too movement following allegations of sexual harassment at high levels.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2018
Sumo incident in Kyoto rekindles gender debate in the ring
In Japan's ancient Shinto religion, purity comes before morality. Indeed, purity is morality. Women are impure. They menstruate and bear children. The exclusion of women from certain religious and ceremonial functions went unquestioned for millennia. It no longer does — but it is not extinct either....


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