Tag - gas



Japan Times
Nov 3, 2014
Asian LNG buyers disappointed by slow pace of gain in U.S. gas exports
North American liquefied natural gas projects, once believed to be the panacea that would save Asia from paying top dollar for the super chilled fuel, are proving to be less of a game-changer than originally expected.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 23, 2014
U.S. calls out Japan on coal plant exports
The United States has challenged the Japanese government over moves to ramp up exports of coal-fired power technology and to offer cheap loans to lure buyers, according to a U.S. source with direct knowledge of the matter.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2014
Who's afraid of a gas cut to the EU this winter?
The danger posed to the EU by a stoppage in Russian natural gas supplies this winter depends on whether countries are willing to sacrifice for another and unify in their response.
Oct 19, 2014
Ukraine says it has agreed on interim gas price with Russia
Ukraine's and Russia's leaders have reached a preliminary agreement on a price for gas supplies this winter, but Kiev may need international help to pay, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Saturday.
Sep 26, 2014
Ukrainian prime minister: Russia to halt natural gas so we 'freeze' over winter
The prime minister of the Kiev government accused Russia on Thursday of attempting to freeze Ukraine in the coming winter by using natural gas as a weapon to subjugate the former Soviet Republic.
Aug 28, 2014
Iran says it tested new nuclear enrichment machine
Iran has conducted "mechanical" tests on a new, advanced machine to refine uranium, a senior official was quoted as saying on Wednesday, a disclosure that may annoy Western states pushing Tehran to scale back its nuclear program.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2014
Jakarta tiptoes around issue of gas-rich islets
The word "sleepy" could have been invented for Ranai, the largest town in Indonesia's remote and sparsely populated Natuna archipelago.
Aug 4, 2014
Natural gas is only as 'clean' as its handling
Shifting to natural gas is at the heart of the U.S. government's proposed new rules for power plant emissions. But gas is only more environmentally friendly if it is produced, transported and burned carefully — without too much leaking into the atmosphere.
Japan Times
May 29, 2014
China upbeat on gas prospects off Vietnam, despite regional frictions
A Chinese oil rig whose deployment to waters claimed by Vietnam early this month triggered a rupture in ties has a good chance of finding enough gas to put the area into production, Chinese industry experts said.
BUSINESS / Economy
May 28, 2014
Lawmakers to push Abe on Russia gas link
Diet members are renewing the push for a ¥600 billion natural gas pipeline from Russia, which last week signed a supply deal with China, in a bid to cut energy costs after the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima.
Japan Times
May 27, 2014
EU official says Ukraine-Russia gas row talks make some progress
Europe's energy commissioner said Monday Ukraine and Russia have made further progress in a dispute over gas prices and his proposal that Ukraine pay $2 billion of back debt by Thursday could pave the way for further talks Friday.
May 25, 2014
China and Russia strike a deal
The $400 billion deal that China signed with Russia for natural gas has caused Western handwringing as expected, but a broader view suggests that Beijing has other interests that may outweigh this partnership.
May 23, 2014
How Putin won big in Chinese natural gas deal
Russian President Vladimir Putin has achieved what Western leaders feared — a long-term deal to supply natural gas to China at a respectable price. But Russia could end up China's satellite if it does not at least partially rebuild a relationship with the West.
Japan Times
May 22, 2014
For 'dirty man of Asia,' Russian gas deal offers clean solution
"If I work in your Beijing, I would shorten my life at least five years," Premier Zhu Rongji, a career politician from Shanghai, quipped in 1999, referring to the notorious air pollution in China's northern capital.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2014
Shift to green energy would barely slow growth, U.N. report says
A radical shift from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy would slow world economic growth by only a tiny fraction every year, a new draft U.N. report on tackling global warming said on Friday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 11, 2014
U.S. accuses Russia after Putin warning on gas supplies to Europe
President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that Russian gas supplies to Europe could be disrupted if Moscow cuts the flow to Ukraine over unpaid bills, drawing a U.S. accusation that it is using energy "as a tool of coercion."


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan