Tag - gaffe



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 20, 2019
In latest gaffe, LDP lawmaker compares 'frustrating' work with Saga Prefecture to 'dealing with the Koreas'
Yaichi Tanigawa, 77, a Lower House member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party representing Nagasaki Prefecture's No. 3 constituency, apologized Sunday for saying that working with Saga Prefecture over the delayed construction of a part of the Kyushu Shinkansen line "is like dealing with South or North...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 29, 2017
Opposition parties renew demand that Abe open Diet to answer for scandals
The defense minister's gaffe along with Abe's lack of response to earlier calls to convene a Diet session prompts opposition parties to demand answers.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 30, 2017
Details short as Abe renews vow to end culture of overwork
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reaffirms his vow to end the entrenched corporate culture of overwork but stops short of setting a timeline for legislation or promising to require a rest period between shifts.
Japan Times
Apr 27, 2016
NHK chairman's order to follow government line on Kyushu nuclear reactors sparks outcry
Outspoken NHK Chairman Katsuto Momii has found himself once again mired in controversy after news leaked he gave instructions that the public broadcaster should stick to the official government line when reporting on the nuclear reactor situation in quake-hit Kyushu.
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 18, 2016
Lawmaker draws rebuke, silence after describing Obama as 'slave descendant'
A day after calling U.S. President Barack Obama a 'descendant of black slaves,' Diet member Kazuya Maruyama is accused by the black community, if not his party, of flirting with racism.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 9, 2016
Japan's environment minister denies mocking radiation fears of Fukushima residents
Environment Minister Tamayo Marukawa came under fire Tuesday for what opposition lawmakers called an insensitive gaffe that appeared to ridicule the fears of people in Fukushima Prefecture over radiation exposure.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 12, 2016
Abe says controversial part-timer remark was misinterpreted
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tries to downplay a remark last week that critics claim shows he is out of touch.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 9, 2016
Critics assail Abe after middle-class income gaffe highlights wealthy upbringing
The prime minister draws public criticism over comments Friday that some claimed as evidence he lacks real knowledge about the plight of the middle class.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Oct 8, 2015
Women's group pressures Suga to retract birthrate-related remark
The group is demanding the government's top spokesman retract a remark in which he said that giving birth is a 'form of contribution to the nation.'
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 4, 2015
LDP member under fire for belittling student protesters
A Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker is in hot water over a recent tweet that branded students protesting against the Abe administration's security legislation as "self-centered" and "extremely selfish."
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 24, 2015
In gaffe, Abe refers to SDF as 'military'
Despite Japan's official view that the Self-Defense Forces' legal nature makes it different from the militaries of other nations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calls the SDF “our military.”
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 11, 2013
Reporters who divulge secrets could face new law's wrath: Ishiba
Two days before the contentious state secrets law getting the official nod, Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba waded into the fray Wednesday by saying journalists could be punished for reporting state-designated classified information, only to backpedal slightly.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 2, 2013
Ishiba softens criticism of bill protesters
Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba remains critical of public demonstrations despite retracting part of an earlier comment likening protesters to terrorists.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?