Tag - fukushima-no-1



Jan 31, 2018
Coal firms plead to courts and Trump for West Coast export terminals amid snub by states
The ailing U.S. coal industry is ramping up its political and legal offensive to win approval for West Coast export terminals that could provide a lifeline to lucrative Asia markets.
Japan Times
Jan 30, 2018
Tepco refused safety agency's proposal to simulate Fukushima tsunami nine years before meltdown disaster
Testimony about the plan was submitted as part of a lawsuit filed by Fukushima evacuees seeking compensation from the utility and the central government.
Japan Times
Jan 26, 2018
U.S. Pacific Northwest dangerously underprepared for tsunami, experts say
The U.S. region most vulnerable to tsunami — the massive waves unleashed by undersea earthquakes — is dangerously underprepared, experts and officials in Oregon and Washington state said after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake this week.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2018
Tepco spots Fukushima fuel debris in reactor 2, says fuel rod assembly 'fell out of reactor'
A fuel assembly handle spotted at the bottom of reactor 2 prompts Tokyo Electric to all but confirm that some of the core melted and fell through the bottom.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jan 19, 2018
Memories of Tohoku tsunami prompt man to create floating car
Hideo Tsurumaki watched the giant tsunami crash onto Japan's northeast coast on March 11, 2011, sweeping away cars as people tried to escape from them.
Jan 17, 2018
Revamping the nation's basic energy plan
The government's basic energy plan, established in 2014, should be subject to a major overhaul.
Jan 14, 2018
Fukushima dairy farmers look to large-scale 'reconstruction farms' to revive battered industry
Dairy farmers in Fukushima Prefecture plan to build what they call "reconstruction farms" by fiscal 2020 as part of efforts to boost the industry in the areas tainted by the 2011 nuclear disaster.
Japan Times
Jan 12, 2018
Sprinter Chisato Fukushima upbeat about training in new environment
Chisato Fukushima holds the national records in the 100 and 200 meters and has won numerous national titles. She has made three trips to the Summer Olympics, starting with the 2008 Beijing Games.
Jan 11, 2018
Regulator urges Tepco to release treated radioactive water from damaged Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant into the sea
With over a million tons of contaminated water having accumulated at the facility, the nuclear regulator's chief said a decision on handling the materials is needed this year.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2018
Fukushima's premium sake wins worldwide acclaim, as brewers eye global markets in prefecture's push for recovery
In an area of Japan still decimated by nuclear disaster, sake is offering cause for hope.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2017
Fukushima farmers looking for authoritative ways to shed nuclear stigma
In light of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis, the Fukushima Prefectural Government is hoping to find a new, faster and easier way to certify the safety of homegrown rice to ease the burden on local farmers.
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2017
Kansai Electric decides to scrap two Oi reactors over safety concerns
Kansai Electric Power Co. formally notified the Fukui Prefectural Government on Friday that it will decommission the Oi No. 1 and No. 2 reactors.
Dec 18, 2017
In case you missed them: a year of responses to Community stories, part 3
The last in a series of selections of unpublished letters about Community stories from the previous year.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?