Tag - fugu



Thinly sliced puffer fish sashimi. The dish is often served at high-end restaurants in Japan, where chefs must hold a license proving they can safely slice around organs that contain a lethal poison.
Sep 15, 2024
Japanese 10-year-old passes test for preparing deadly fugu
Fifth grader Karin Tabira passed a test this summer that certifies her to slice and gut the fish for consumption.
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2023
'Lucky tiger': Fukushima fishing industry pins hopes on blowfish
Tiger blowfish have brought local fisheries a lifeline through robust catches in recent months.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health / FOCUS
Dec 11, 2018
Climate change creates mutant fugu, a deadly Japanese delicacy
The road, hemmed in on one side by empty warehouses and the other by a concrete seawall, ends abruptly in a desolate parking lot. Men step out of their cars and into the darkness, then slip behind the sliding doors of a warehouse. Inside, they huddle under floodlights and wait. A clock on the wall ticks...
Japan Times
Jan 13, 2018
Gion Nishikawa: Perfecting the sublime art of kaiseki
The highlights of a recent visit to Gion Nishikawa ranged from a little house filled with fugu to a basin in the restroom that had been transformed into a pine tree art installation.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Dec 1, 2017
There's no escaping the sea in historic port city of Shimonoseki
The Yamaguchi city that's famous for its puffer fish offers a wealth of experiences.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2013
Fugu reveals its simple gender switch
It's the most celebrated and notorious fish in the world, certainly in culinary circles. Now the puffer fish — one of Japan's most enigmatic creatures — meets some of biology's deepest questions: Why did sex evolve? Why are there two sexes? Why is the male sex chromosome such a puny little thing?...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly