Tag - francisco



Sep 9, 2013
City in California readies another resolution against Hashimoto
Another California city is preparing a resolution to condemn Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto for his comments in May that Japan’s use of sexual slavery during the war was a necessity.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2013
Crisis: The final approach of Flight 214
The first major U.S. plane crash in a dozen years began to unfold in utterly undramatic fashion just before noon Saturday when a big white passenger jet with red, blue and yellow flashings banked to the right and began to descend toward the wide runways of San Francisco International Airport.
Jul 7, 2013
Air fatalities a rarity since '01
San Francisco AFP-JIJI
Jun 20, 2013
San Francisco hits sex-slave remarks; Hashimoto defiant
Osaka Mayor and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) co-leader Toru Hashimoto remained defiant Wednesday in the face of a fresh round of domestic and international criticism over his comments that Japan's wartime "comfort women" system of sex slavery was necessary at the time.
Jun 12, 2013
San Francisco spurned Hashimoto amid sex slave outrage
A senior San Francisco official urged the city of Osaka to cancel Mayor Toru Hashimoto's visit after he angered residents by saying Japan's wartime 'comfort women' system was necessary.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2013
Tech elite's wealth sows divisions in San Francisco
Every morning and every evening the fleet glides through the city, hundreds of white buses with tinted windows navigating San Francisco's rush hour. From the pavement you can see your reflection in the windows, but you can't see in. The buses have no markings or logos, no advertised destinations or stops....
Apr 28, 2013
Ceremony an affront to Okinawans
The Abe government is inconsiderate for having the Emperor and Empress attend a ceremony that commemorates the restoration of Japan's sovereignty in 1952.
Mar 23, 2013
Ceremony insults Okinawans
On April 28 the Abe Cabinet will commemorate the day in 1952 that Japan got its sovereignty back. Don't look for many Okinawans at the ceremony.
Feb 10, 2013
Murakami ideal man for new U.N. goodwill ambassador role
Kudos to Masanori Murakami, the first Japanese player in the major leagues, on his recent appointment as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. "Mashi" is highly qualified to take the leadership role in supporting charities and, having been acquainted with him for...
May 3, 2011
Mental care for children
Many schools in areas devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami have started the new school year. Some schools, though, have no choice except to begin classes in early May because school buildings were damaged or were being used as temporary shelters for disaster survivors.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly