Tag - france



Japan Times
Sep 26, 2021
'Quad' and AUKUS put Biden's Indo-Pacific shift under microscope
The U.S. is focusing on an intensifying competition with China via 'Quad' summits and the AUKUS partnership, but the White House may need to be more clear in its regional strategy.
Japan Times
Sep 24, 2021
AUKUS shakes up the region, but that is a good thing
Chinese concerns are valid. AUKUS seeks to better deter, and if need be, defend against revisionist powers in this region. If that describes Chinese behavior, then it is a target.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 23, 2021
French envoy to return to U.S. after fence-mending Biden-Macron call
The White House also acknowledged it erred in brokering a deal for Australia to buy U.S. instead of French submarines without consulting Paris.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2021
Why AUKUS is a game changer in the Indo-Pacific
Critics of Canberra's decision to use nuclear propulsion for subs are worried less about Australia than about the precedent it sets for proliferation among more problematic countries.
Japan Times
Sep 22, 2021
Canberra's enthusiasm for conflict with Beijing should be concerning
The French claimed the Australian decision to renege on the submarine deal was a betrayal. But the decision, which was motivated by fears of China becoming an equal, was very Australian.
Japan Times
Sep 21, 2021
The ruckus over AUKUS
Australia's decision to cancel its deal to buy a dozen French diesel submarines has roiled relations with France and introduced fresh tensions into relations with China.
Japan Times
Sep 21, 2021
China's neighbors worry Australia sub deal will destabilize region
Some Southeast Asian nations are concerned that the AUKUS partnership could provoke China and spur a regional arms race.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2021
The submarine row that is sinking diplomatic relations
France is furious that its plan to supply Australia with submarines has been swept aside by the new pact with the United Kingdom and the United States.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2021
French break-up a blow to Biden's China-focused alliance rebuilding
Analysts say Washington's deal with Britain to supply Australia with nuclear-powered submarines has the potential to do lasting damage to the U.S. alliance with France and Europe.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2021
The hidden agenda behind the deal France called a betrayal
The United States and Australia went to extraordinary lengths to keep Paris in the dark as they secretly negotiated a plan to build nuclear submarines.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2021
Biden echoes Trump in upsetting allies as France recalls envoys
Since taking office, a series of missteps have angered allies, drawn criticism even from supporters and raised concern that Biden isn't as sure-footed in international affairs as advertised.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2021
In escalation over submarine deal, France recalls envoys from U.S. and Australia
A diplomatic source in France said it was the first time Paris had recalled its own ambassadors in this way.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2021
U.S. and France clash over surprise Australia submarine deal
The French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, was blunt, saying his nation, whose friendship with the U.S. dates to the American Revolutionary War, felt 'stabbed in the back.”
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2021
French furious at Biden for cutting them out of submarine deal
French officials were blindsided Wednesday night when the U.S. and the U.K. announced a new security partnership to supply Australia with nuclear-powered submarines.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2021
Australia to get U.S. nuclear submarine technology as China looms large
U.S. officials said nuclear propulsion would allow the Australian navy to operate more quietly, for longer periods, and provide deterrence across the Indo-Pacific.
Japan Times
Sep 14, 2021
Taliban ‘conundrum’ forcing strange bedfellows on Afghanistan
World leaders one after another have called for international cooperation even as they jockey to gain influence in the great power vacuum that the U.S. departure has left behind.
Japan Times
Sep 10, 2021
Europe’s military presence highlights Asia’s importance
European military forces have an expanding presence in Asia, a recognition of the ever-larger role the Indo-Pacific has assumed in their governments' strategic calculations.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2021
Macron says France and Britain to propose Kabul safe zone to U.N.
France and Britain will submit a Kabul safe-zone resolution to a U.N. meeting Monday in a bid to protect people trying to leave Afghanistan.
Japan Times
Aug 14, 2021
Afghanistan’s unraveling may strike another blow to U.S. credibility
The Taliban's lightning advance comes at a moment when many in Europe and Asia had hoped that President Joe Biden would re-establish America's firm presence in international affairs.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2021
A dangerous new variant of populism
As anti-greens and anti-vaxxers join forces, any number of stray populist demagogues might seek to lead movements against environmental and COVID-19 vaccination policies.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals