Tag - foreign-workers



Japan Times
Nov 7, 2022
Weak yen could keep foreign workers away from Japan
The yen's rapid slide against the dollar has eroded the value of overseas remittances, causing concern at firms that rely on staff from abroad.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2022
45% of Japan firms interested in hiring foreign nationals: survey
Clerical and managerial positions were cited most, followed by salespeople, engineers and specialists.
Japan Times
Sep 6, 2022
Singapore hunts for global ‘rainmakers’ with new expat visa
The introduction of the Overseas Networks and Expertise (ONE) pass as well as other steps that make it easier to hire expats are a response to the tight labor market.
JAPAN / Society / Longform
Sep 5, 2022
Japan’s foreign workers face a new post-COVID landscape
Tighter border controls amid the pandemic have kept technical interns and specified skilled workers from entering Japan. With restrictions now easing, can the government lure them back?
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Aug 31, 2022
Justice Ministry seeks ¥27 billion to support foreign residents
The ministry plans to expand consultation services for foreign nationalsu00a0as the number of arrivals is expected to increase due to relaxed border controls.
Aug 30, 2022
Japan to raise caps for skilled foreign workers at manufacturers
Of the limits set for 12 industry sectors covered under the increase, the cap for food- and beverage-makers and that for machinery and other manufacturers will be raised.
May 31, 2022
Japan to end special visas for people stranded in country due to COVID
The temporary measure has granted six-month “designated activities” residence statuses to foreign students and trainees stuck in Japan due to border controls in their home country.
May 27, 2022
Japan warns Ukrainian evacuees against work at adult entertainment establishments
The justice minister said the Immigration Services Agency has sent written notifications to Ukrainian evacuees to make them aware such work is a violation of their visa status.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Explainer
May 27, 2022
As Japan’s borders creak open, who can enter now?
With the nation reopening little by little — a limited number of tourists have already arrived on package tour trials — it's difficult to keep track of who is allowed in and who isn't.
Japan Times
May 25, 2022
Japanese firms team up to help foreign workers resolve labor issues
A new service set up by an NGO and eight companies aims to resolve labor issues by providing financial relief and counseling to non-Japanese.
Mar 1, 2022
Japan's eased border restrictions offer hope for struggling business sectors
From major tech companies to elderly care facilities, Japanese businesses have had to battle through the pandemic without the foreign staffers they need.
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2022
Japan’s biggest airline calls for border controls to be eased
The strictest among the G7, Japan's border controls have attracted criticism as the country slammed its door shut to foreign visitors and students.
Feb 4, 2022
Japan will take flexible approach on entry ban, COVID-19 minister says
The government will present a policy covering whether to ease the entry rules as early as next week, a report said.
Feb 3, 2022
Japan must quadruple foreign workers by 2040 to meet growth target, report says
The figure would be nearly 300% more than the current 1.72 million foreign workers who make up about 2.5% of the workforce.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties