Tag - food



Japan Times
May 27, 2022
China pig breeders go high tech in self-sufficiency push
China has the world's biggest hog herd, but relies heavily on imports for breeding material, more so after the African swine fever virus decimated its breeding pool.
Japan Times
May 26, 2022
U.N.'s grain-for-fertilizer plan holds little appeal for Moscow
Goodwill is lacking in Moscow, which has squarely blamed the Western sanctions imposed in response to Russia's military campaign in Ukraine for the food crisis.
Japan Times
May 25, 2022
How not to respond to a global food crisis
Curbing exports of wheat, maize and other staples only drives up prices for those who can least afford it.
Japan Times
May 22, 2022
Record food costs throw spotlight on how China will feed itself
China has been long obsessed with finding ways to ensure there is enough food for its massive population, and with good reason.
Japan Times
May 21, 2022
Electric farms in Japan are using solar power to grow profits and crops
In many respects, Takeshi Magami's farm is like any other in Japan. But one major difference sets it apart from its neighbors: the 2,826 solar panels perched above the crops.
Japan Times
May 21, 2022
Bacon, chicken and beef won’t get cheaper anytime soon
Farmers across the world are contending with near-record prices for livestock feed as supplies of grains and soy shrink.
Japan Times
May 20, 2022
The global safety net against hunger is frailer than you think
Political upheaval can accelerate food insecurity, particularly when the system is based on shaky foundations.
Japan Times
May 17, 2022
Risk of civil unrest rising as food inflation adds to pain in emerging markets
Rising food prices are a hot topic in emerging markets, raising the risk of civil unrest — with echoes of the Arab spring — and putting policymakers in a bind.
Japan Times
May 16, 2022
Wheat soars in risk to food inflation as India restricts exports
The move drew criticism from the agriculture ministers of the Group of Seven nations, who said that such measures make the world's food crisis worse.
Japan Times
May 15, 2022
World’s food problems piling up as India restricts wheat exports
The Indian government said in a notification dated May 13 it will suspend overseas wheat sales to manage its food security.
Japan Times
May 14, 2022
India bans wheat exports as heat wave hurts crops and domestic prices soar
Global buyers had been banking on supplies from the world's second-biggest wheat producer amid the war in Ukraine.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 7, 2022
Modi faces a dilemma: Keep Indian voters happy or feed the world
He wants to be seen as a dependable global leader, but faces harvest-killing heat waves and inflation — the very issue that brought down the previous government.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 7, 2022
As conflict and climate change bite, are high food prices here to stay?
War in Ukraine slashed wheat and fertilizer exports, while climate-induced disasters destroy harvests — together, they create harrowing risks to global food security.
Japan Times
May 4, 2022
Can the world feed itself? Historic fertilizer crunch threatens food security.
For the billions who don't work in agriculture, the global shortage of affordable fertilizer likely reads like a distant problem. In truth, it will leave no household unscathed.
Japan Times
May 2, 2022
Japan's low-cost soba noodles may become casualty of Ukraine war
A good part of the buckwheat that goes into the noodles comes from Russia, globally the top buckwheat producer.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2022
How Africa is bearing the brunt of palm oil's perfect storm
Neither Russia nor Ukraine produces palm oil, a tropical commodity, but Moscow's invasion has triggered knock-on effects across today's intricately interconnected global economy.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Apr 26, 2022
Big grocery shock looms as food giants face cooking oil risk
The world's biggest shipper, Indonesia, will halt some cooking oil exports from April 28 after a domestic shortage led to street protests over high food costs.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2022
Ukraine’s farmers fight on the front line of global food crisis
Ukraine is the world's largest producer of sunflower oil and ranks among the top six exporters of wheat, corn, chicken and even honey.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2022
The rich, black soil that fed a growing China is washing away
Chinese researchers estimate that soybean production in the country will fall by 40% to 60% and corn would barely grow if all its black soil is stripped away.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?