Tag - focus



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Jul 9, 2016
Violence again convulses 2016 election campaign, testing Trump, Clinton
In the hours after a gunman shot 12 police officers in Dallas, killing five, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton abruptly canceled campaign events. Their Twitter accounts largely went quiet.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2016
Japan Inc. suffers Brexit fallout as resurgent yen threatens profit outlook
Japan Inc. is already counting the cost of Brexit. The yen's extended surge after the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU has turned the outlook for a gain in annual profit to the first decline in four years.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
Jun 27, 2016
Line, biggest tech IPO of year, struggles to show growth plan can work
In delaying its IPO by two years, Japanese messaging app company Line Corp. bought time to correct weak financial reporting controls, work on its business plan, bolster staffing — and left billions of dollars on the table as its valuation shriveled.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2016
As his stimulus efforts struggle, Abe pushes 'equal pay' to lift Japan's economy
When Fumiko Kasai returned to work a decade ago she found the job market was very different to the one she had left in the 1980s to raise her four children.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
May 30, 2016
Obama visit highlighted differences in Japan and U.S. over 'an apology'
Prior to U.S. President Barack Obama's recent Asian visit, many of his critics back home were already mocking the trip, calling it an "apology tour."
Japan Times
May 23, 2016
G-7 finance meeting reveals sharper gap on currency tactics
Two days of talks last week between finance chiefs from the world's biggest advanced economies at a hot springs resort in Sendai were marked by some of the sharpest dissonance in years between the U.S. and Japan over exchange-rate policies.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
May 19, 2016
Mitsubishi Motors scandal was an accident waiting to happen
It's a familiar Japanese corporate ritual: a deep bow before the cameras to atone for wrongdoing. And when it comes to the art of public mea culpa, few companies can top scandal-prone Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
May 13, 2016
How a confession turned into ¥237.4 billion bargain for Nissan
Two days before Mitsubishi Motors Corp. went public with news it had overstated the fuel economy of its cars, Chairman Osamu Masuko visited Nissan Motor Co. President Carlos Ghosn for a mea culpa. It did not take long for talk to turn from an apology to a deal.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
May 10, 2016
Son looks to listing to plug SoftBank's $22 billion valuation gap
Masayoshi Son's promises of a turnaround for his U.S. operations and a record share buyback have not been enough to erase SoftBank Group Corp.'s $22 billion valuation gap. The billionaire founder has at least one more card to play — listing the company's domestic telecommunications business.
Japan Times
May 4, 2016
Xi's Silk Road dream development hits a speed bump in Thailand
President Xi Jinping is so devoted to his Silk Road project for China to deepen economic ties across Asia that he recently had top Communist officials attend a "study" session on the millenniums-old history of the route.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Apr 23, 2016
Unpopularity of Clinton, Trump puts spotlight on running mates
Rarely have two U.S. presidential front-runners needed more from running mates than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
Apr 20, 2016
Loeb's pick to run 7-Eleven operator faces next task: boosting margins
The head of 7-Eleven convenience stores in Japan survived an attempt by his boss to remove him and emerged as president at Seven & I Holdings Co. His next hurdles: turn around weaker units and navigate a leadership transition at the country's largest retailer.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?