Tag - fish



Tokyo Healthcare University professor Takayuki Mifune explains how he is trying to re-create bonito broth from 1,300 years ago.
JAPAN / Science & Health / Longform
Dec 4, 2023
The quest to re-create what the Japanese ate 1,300 years ago
Professor Takayuki Mifune and his team are hoping to understand, in minute detail, the culinary habits of our Japanese ancestors.
Nov 26, 2023
Japan to tighten Pacific bluefin tuna catch management
Under the plan, operators will have to report the weight and number of Pacific bluefin tuna weighing at least 30 kilograms.
The Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo has launched a campaign to promote more salmon eating.
Nov 12, 2023
Norway pushes Japan to eat more salmon with creative preparation ideas
Norway started a blitz to sell salmon for sushi to Japan under a national strategy in the 1980s, making it more popular than it already was at the time.
There are a lot of reasons for why the Pacific saury is becoming scarcer, including overfishing in international waters and changing ocean conditions.
LIFE / Food & Drink / Longform
Oct 23, 2023
A saury state: How the price of 'autumn's fish' skyrocketed
A fish so cheap and abundant that even the cats would ignore it, the Pacific saury is becoming a sought-after dish as stocks dwindle.
Scallops shipped from Hokkaido are served at the Anuga food trade fair held in Cologne, Germany, on Saturday.
Oct 9, 2023
Snubbed by China, Japan tries to sell Europe on its seafood
The scallop industry was hit particularly hard, as Japanese exports to China in August fell 71.3% from a year earlier.
Marine ecologist Salvador Jorgensen and his research assistant Dylan Moran observe a shark basking off a beach in central California.
Oct 4, 2023
Climate change draws great white sharks north, threatening ecosystem
The main risk from these predators is not to swimmers and surfers, but to otters.
If you've ever dined on fresh fish, either within Japan or anywhere else in the world, there's a healthy chance it was processed via ikejime, a Japanese technique for preserving freshness in line-caught fish.
LIFE / Food & Drink
Sep 30, 2023
How the world got hooked on ikejime-caught fish
Roughly rendered in English as “locking in life,” this technique delivers a quick death to ensure freshness.
Ichiro Miyashita arrives at the Prime Minister's Office on Wednesday after being named the new minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a Cabinet reshuffle the same day.
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 17, 2023
Japan aiming to diversify export markets to cut risks
New agriculture minister Ichiro Miyashita has expressed his intention to work on diversifying export destinations to reduce risks.
Minnows swimming in Lake Areau in the French Pyrenees, in Seix, southwestern France.
Sep 5, 2023
Minnows blamed for algae-filled French and Spanish lakes
Some of the tiny fish, used as live bait, have managed to escape the hooks and have thrived, devouring amphibians, insects and zooplankton.
A bit of parchment paper, a few strips of kelp and an overnight cure takes a simple fish filet to new heights.
LIFE / Food & Drink
Sep 3, 2023
Recipe: Crispy kelp-cured salmon
This recipe can work with any skin-on fish, from luxurious golden-eyed snapper to ubiquitous salmon or trout.
Aug 30, 2023
Kishida eats 'safe and delicious' Fukushima fish
"This is very good," Kishida said as he chewed on a slice of flounder sashimi, calling on viewers to enjoy Japanese seafood.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 27, 2023
More tests show radiation levels of Fukushima seawater remain below limits
Tokyo hopes what it says is a transparent release of data will serve as a strong rebuttal to claims by Beijing that the discharge is dangerous.
A customer shops at a sushi counter at the Food Le Parc supermarket in Hong Kong.
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 24, 2023
Hong Kong restaurants brace for cost jump after Japan seafood ban
The saga is yet another headache for the city’s restaurant industry, which is still suffering from the effects from pandemic curbs and a worker shortage.
Supermarket owner Takashi Nakajima, 67, prepares raw fish to sell at his store, near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture.
BUSINESS / Economy
Aug 22, 2023
For Fukushima shop owner, water release spells battle for survival
Japan said on Tuesday it would start discharging more than 1 million metric tons of the treated water on Thursday
JAPAN / Science & Health
Aug 20, 2023
Japanese aquarium begins study on sea turtle migration
Little is known about the exact route and mechanism of the loggerhead's migration from the coast of Japan to the west coast of North America.
Kazuyuki Tanioka, the owner of Japanese cuisine Toya restaurant, prepares fish a sashimi dish during an interview in Beijing on July 25.
Jul 31, 2023
Japanese eateries in China fear ruin over Fukushima water release
Shortly after the 2011 disaster hit the Fukushima No. 1 plant, China banned the import of food and agricultural products from five Japanese prefectures.
Japan Times
Jul 22, 2023
In Quebec, seal hunters want public to see practice in new light
Hunters hope to rehabilitate the image of the hunt, with the support of fishers who are worried about dwindling fish stocks.
Jul 21, 2023
China’s blanket testing for Japanese seafood affecting Japanese businesses
Seafood from five Japanese firms remains at Chinese customs, running the risk of a ¥100 million loss if they end up spoiling.
Japan Times
Jul 19, 2023
China’s blanket radiation testing could spell trouble for Japanese seafood imports
The news comes ahead of Japan’s plan to begin releasing treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant into the sea.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties