Tag - fish



A bluestreak cleaner wrasse faces a mirror. A Japanese team has found that the fish intentionally uses a mirror to check its own size.
Sep 13, 2024
Bluestreak cleaner fish can use knowledge of its size to judge attacks
When able to check its size in a mirror, the bluestreak cleaner wrasse attacked fish of a larger or similar size less often, a Japanese research team has found.
Ikeda Suisan's saury fishing boat is also being used for tuna fishing.
Sep 12, 2024
To stay afloat, some Japanese saury fishers turn to tuna and squid
Saury fishers in Japan are also trying to secure enough income by working during the saury fishing offseason.
Boxes of Joban-mono marine produce such as flounder are lined up at the Hisanohama fishing port in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture.
JAPAN / Society / Regional Voices: Fukushima
Sep 2, 2024
Fukushima fishermen not in the clear yet
Challenges remain for the prefecture's fisheries industry a year after the release of treated water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant began.
This season's first batch of saury that fetched a record high price of ¥500,000 ($3,400) per kilogram at the Toyosu market in Tokyo.
Aug 19, 2024
Season's first saury sell at record ¥500,000 at Toyosu market
Some large fish weighing around 140 grams each fetched prices exceeding ¥70,000 for one fish.
Freshly-caught bonito fish unloaded in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture. Japan's food exports to China plunged in the first half of 2024 due to Beijing's import ban on Japanese fishery products.
Aug 4, 2024
Japan's first-half food exports fall for first time in four years
The latest result reflected China's import ban on Japanese fishery products since last summer in response to the release of treated Fukushima water.
Sardines may not be the traditional choice for Japan's special midsummer eel-eating day, but with a few special touches, the fish can be a satisfying and sustainable replacement.
LIFE / Food & Drink / Washoku Essentials
Jul 21, 2024
Going eel-less for Japan’s midsummer tradition
Japanese eel is endangered, but sardines are an ethical — and delicious — substitute for this year’s double Doyo no Ushi no Hi.
Japan's annual quotas for Pacific bluefin tuna catches were raised at an international meeting held in Hokkaido on Tuesday.
Jul 16, 2024
Japan's Pacific bluefin tuna catch quotas set to rise
The bluefin tuna population has been recovering in recent years from overfishing.
The arowana fish gifted by Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako
Jul 11, 2024
Ueno Zoo welcomes Indonesian fish gifted to Japan Imperial couple
The zoo said that it will keep the luxury tropical fish in an area not open to visitors for the time being.
International talks on Pacific bluefin tuna catches began in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Wednesday.
Jul 11, 2024
International talks on bluefin tuna catches begin in Japan
Japan is seeking to more than double the annual quota for large bluefin tuna in the central and western Pacific and increase the quota for smaller fish by 30%.
A vendor cuts salmon at the Tsukiji outer market in Tokyo. Japan and Russia have agreed on this year's Japanese fishing quotas for salmon and trout.
Jun 4, 2024
Japan and Russia agree on salmon and trout fishing after two years
Bilateral fishing negotiations are usually held every year, but such talks were not held in 2022 or 2023 due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Japan's saury catches fell to roughly 18,000 tons in 2022, hitting a record low for the fourth straight year, before picking up slightly to around 25,000 tons last year.
May 25, 2024
Saury fading from Japan's dining tables amid poor catches
Catches of saury are mired in a prolonged slump with no signs of recovery in sight, and those that are caught are often lean and expensive.
Members of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission have agreed to cut the 2024 catch quota for saury in the high seas in the northern Pacific in response to declining resources.
Apr 19, 2024
Japan and others agree to cut northern Pacific saury catch quota
Nine economies agreed to introduce the rule to calculate catch quotas based on scientific evidence.
Japan and other countries are holding annual talks on saury catch quota.
Apr 16, 2024
Japan and eight other countries discuss saury catch rules
Slated to run until Thursday, the talks will focus on setting calculation rules to allocate catch quotas.
A helmet jellyfish recorded at depth in the Lurefjord, Norway. The creatures experience acute physical effects from short-term exposure to suspended sediment, which could be caused by deep-sea mining.
Apr 7, 2024
The weird deep-sea world, and how mining threatens it
Demand for metals such as lithium and nickel has driven a rush to take a stake in the seabed, with Japan being a major advocate of deep-sea mining.
A worker carries a tray containing steamed kamaboko at a factory in Ise, Mie Prefecture.
JAPAN / Society / Regional voices: Chubu
Jan 22, 2024
As costs rise, kamaboko producers struggle to stay afloat
Many have little choice but to raise the prices of their own products after having exhausted other measures.
Salmon farming can be a nasty business. Breeding involves removing eggs and sperm from anesthetized fish, and typically euthanizing males after extraction.
Jan 21, 2024
Scotland’s salmon farms navigate troubled waters for global industry
Despite pitching the red-fleshed fish as a more environmentally friendly alternative to beef, producers haven’t yet figured out how to scale sustainably.
Scallops from Hokkaido are served at an event in Sao Paulo on Sunday to promote Japanese seafood.
Jan 15, 2024
Japan promotes fishery products at event in Brazil
The move is meant to cut reliance on the Chinese market after Beijing banned seafood imports from Japan last year.
The most expensive tuna sold at this year's first auction displayed outside Toyosu Market in Tokyo on Friday
Jan 5, 2024
Tokyo’s top tuna for the new year sells for ¥114.2 million
The tuna weighed 238 kilograms and was sold Friday to seafood wholesaler Yamayuki and sushi chain operator Onodera Group.
Jan 2, 2024
Full-cycle onshore aquaculture in the spotlight in Japan
The farming method is being developed at a time when factors including overfishing are leading to falls in stocks.
This savory-sweet cake can be made with either fish paste or shrimp — whichever you think will best guide you into 2024.
Dec 17, 2023
Recipe: Good luck egg and fish rolls
The trickiest part of making “datemaki” is rolling it up — the rolled form is supposed to resemble a paper scroll, representing wishes for the new year.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties