Tag - finance-4



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 6, 2022
Japan to defer tax hikes for defense spending until 2027
The delay is planned in light of economic uncertainties stemming from rising prices, while strong opposition from members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to corporate and other tax hikes was also a factor, sources say.
Japan Times
Dec 6, 2022
Kishida seeks to hike defense spending by more than 50% over five years
The new budget would put Japan closer to the target Kishida ordered last week of spending 2% of gross domestic product on defense by 2027.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 3, 2022
Japan eyes up to ¥43 trillion for five-year defense spending plan
The new numbers marked a compromise between the defense and finance ministries amid concerns about worsening one of the industrial world's worst debt burdens.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Dec 1, 2022
Japan government stayed out of currency markets in November
For now, stepping back from intervention removes a potential source of conflict between Washington and Tokyo.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2022
Hope fades for action by Big Finance on climate crisis
In interviews, more than a dozen U.S. and European finance leaders were pessimistic the COP27 climate conference in Egypt starting Nov. 6 can make clear progress.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Nov 1, 2022
Stealth yen intervention aims for maximum impact, says finance minister
Officials remain tight-lipped on exactly when they intervened in the market in October. Full details of their actions will not be available until quarterly intervention data is published.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 25, 2022
Japan likely spent around $6 billion for suspected Oct. 24 FX intervention
Authorities' so-called stealth intervention in rapid succession has underscored their resolve in fighting what they have characterized as 'intolerable and speculative' yen-selling.
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2022
Will they or won't they? Japan turns to guessing game to shore up yen
Analysts say the strategy of staying mum keeps investors guessing on intervention, thereby discouraging speculators from testing the yen's new lows.
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2022
Stealth intervention talk permeates market as yen approaches ¥150
Dropping to u00a5150 is seen as an important psychological level in Japan and a break may increase pressure on authorities for further action.
Japan Times
Oct 17, 2022
Traders watch for response from Japan as yen approaches ¥150 against dollar
Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki reiterated to reporters on Monday that the country will take bold action if there are speculative foreign exchange moves.
Japan Times
Oct 12, 2022
Yen weakens past level that triggered last intervention
The currency fell to u00a5146.23 per dollar, surpassing the u00a5145.90 level that prompted Japan's first intervention to buy the yen since 1998.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2022
Japan's foreign reserves see record drop from market shakeup and forex intervention
Yen-buying, dollar-selling intervention has been rare in Japan which has long counted on exports of cars and electronics as a key driver of economic growth.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?