Tag - feinberg



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jul 18, 2019
Boeing to spend $50 million to support 737 Max crash victim families
Boeing Co. said on Wednesday it will dedicate half of a $100 million fund it created to address two crashes of its 737 Max planes to financial relief for the families of those killed, with compensation expert Ken Feinberg hired by the world's largest plane maker to oversee the distribution.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2013
Art that bloomed with the Feinbergs
As a simple matter of economic convenience, some of the best art collections in the world started out going against established taste. By avoiding what was already highly valued — and therefore expensive — collectors could build up impressive collections that could then help to dictate future tastes....
Japan Times
May 16, 2013
'The Flowering of Edo Period Painting: Japanese Masterworks from the Feinberg Collection'
During a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in the 1970s, Robert Feinberg, a chemist and businessman from Maryland, found himself admiring an Edo Period (1603-1867) painting.
Reader Mail
Dec 3, 2009
Stress universality of language
Roger Pulvers' Nov. 29 article, "Though elusive to all, the language of Japan surely merits a break," raises the difficulties faced by foreigners learning Japanese and Japanese learning other languages. This is an old story, and a recent publication by sociolinguist Takao Suzuki (summarized by Pulvers)...
Reader Mail
Nov 22, 2009
Breaking campaign pledge is risky
Regarding the Sentaku Magazine article published in The Japan Times on Nov. 16 under the headline "Does Ozawa run the show as Hatoyama foots the bill?": Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has long been known by informed members of the Japanese electorate as a weak and ineffectual leader during his numerous...
Reader Mail
Oct 8, 2009
Won't pay to read news online
Regarding the Oct. 5 article "Murdoch: Japan newspapers will have to charge for online content": Anything that limits the money Rupert Murdoch can make seems unfair to him. He's trying to encourage all news agencies to charge for news so that it's easier for him to make a profit. In the United Kingdom...
Reader Mail
Sep 20, 2009
Problems with the native tongue
Regarding the Sept. 16 article "Few answers for language market": Long after reading about and watching attempts by some Canadian provinces and U.S. states to get their populaces to become bilingual in French and Spanish, respectively, I wonder about the cost-effectiveness of the push to learn English...
Reader Mail
Aug 20, 2009
Left keeps trying to disgrace Japan
Regarding the Aug. 15 editorial "Dangerous revisionist sentiment": Little did I imagine that I would come across such an odious article. I totally agree with Toshio Tamogami, who has been bravely trying his best to convince the mentally retarded aliens who read The Japan Times that Japan was not at all...
Reader Mail
Jul 26, 2009
For a more beautiful fortification
I have just read Alice Gordenker's July 16 column — "So, what the heck is that?" — about ishigaki construction at Japan's castles. The article conveyed interesting information about engineering design, but I think that the castle expert quoted in the article, Yasuhiro Nishigaya, has been misled about...
Reader Mail
Jul 12, 2009
Change technological priorities
Regarding the July 8 article "Aso takes aim at wealthy states' 'land grabs' in developing world": A standing ovation to Prime Minister Taro Aso for addressing "responsible foreign investment" in agriculture to deal with the "food crisis" that may be looming ahead of us.
Reader Mail
Jul 12, 2009
Students lack drive and creativity
Regarding the June 30 article "Older, smaller population to impact Japan's choices": Writers Brad Glosserman and Tomoko Tsunoda say that in the future, due to Japan's declining population, Japan's "economic competitiveness" will be challenged as its "markets shrink."
Reader Mail
May 24, 2009
Dishonorable comparison of plights
Debito Arudou has done it again — taken a reasonable idea toward championing equal rights for foreign residents, then taken it way too far with his extremism. He writes: "Why not just sew gold stars on (foreign residents') lapels and be done with it?" The treatment we receive in Japan as foreign residents...
Reader Mail
Feb 1, 2009
Former ASDF chief still in denial
Regarding the Jan. 28 article "Tamogami out of ASDF, not out of range": It irritates me that the former chief of staff (retired Gen. Toshio Tamogami) of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force can get away with (the sort of comments that led to his ouster). Why should we give legitimacy to his arguments?...
Reader Mail
Jan 29, 2009
Contradiction needs a resolution
Regarding the Jan. 15 editorial "Education on cannabis": I think educating young people to stay away from cannabis will come only after a legal contradiction is resolved. The health risks from cannabis have yet to be proven. Some say the best argument against cannabis is that it may lead to stronger...
Reader Mail
Jan 29, 2009
A shocking lack of sleep
Regarding the Jan. 22 article "Train driver who overslept prompts cancellation of early-morning runs": I began to read this article with empathetic amusement, but my smile disappeared when my jaw dropped in disbelief. According to the article, the motorman decided to sleep at the Kintetsu Ikoma Station,...


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