Tag - fed



Donald Trump could weaken the dollar, but whether it would boost U.S. exports or improve America's trade balance with other countries is uncertain.
Jan 12, 2025
Can Trump dump the dollar?
Donald Trump could weaken the dollar, but whether it would boost U.S. exports or improve the trade balance remains uncertain.
Instead of entering its recent operating loss as negative retained earnings, the European Central Bank treated it as a positive asset on its balance sheet, which is being criticized as misleading.
Mar 28, 2024
Central banks need to be more transparent about losses
The ECB, Fed and other central banks would do well to abandon financial machinations, work out recapitalization agreements and prepare for large losses.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2022
Powell delivers masterful performance at a difficult time
The Federal Reserve chair needed to prepare markets for a coming slowdown in rate increases without loosening financial conditions. He pulled it off.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2022
Peak oil has finally arrived. No, really.
With the U.S. Fed's willingness to send the U.S. economy into a recession to bring inflation back on target, oil production may soon enter terminal decline as a result.
Japan Times
Jun 16, 2022
Jerome Powell took Ben Bernanke's advice a bit too far
The former Fed chief Bernanke had a famous recipe for setting monetary policy that relied heavily on communication. Officials today would do well to scale it back.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2022
The inflation tail is wagging the policy dog
Just as central bankers have embarked on a long-overdue process of balance-sheet unwinding, global developments have pushed the economy to the edge of recession.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 11, 2022
Fed confronts why it may have acted too slowly on inflation
Some Federal Reserve officials have begun to acknowledge that they were too slow to respond to rapid inflation last year.
Japan Times
May 10, 2022
The U.S. Fed navigates a difficult path, with much resting on its success
The market plunge is a vote of no confidence in the Fed's ability to safely navigate between competing imperatives: controlling inflation and keeping the economy growing.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2022
Inflation, oil prices and the yen: What’s behind the BOJ’s tack?
Japan's inflation rate is around 1%, one of the lowest in the world. Why is Japan, which has been battling deflation for two decades, still the exception even as global inflation is rising?
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2022
Hot inflation drives case for 'big-bang' Fed rate hike in March
The latest data defied hopes that U.S. sticker shock would ease and instead bolstered the view that the central bank is behind the curve.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Feb 7, 2022
Emerging market investors dive for stocks amid Fed storm
Developing world investors are nervously watching as the U.S. Federal Reserve readies its most aggressive rate hike cycle in 17 years.
Japan Times
Jan 21, 2022
China's got problems, but inflation ain't one
China looks determined to quash — rather than live with — COVID-19. An overly muscular economic response, too, may do as much harm as good.
Japan Times
Dec 24, 2021
Going nowhere: Central banks face inflation fears
Central bankers balance two priorities: prices and employment. Unfortunately, a slowing economy generally reduces employment, which means that those two priorities compete with each other.
Japan Times
Dec 13, 2021
Will closer monetary-fiscal policy coordination lead to fiscal dominance?
As yield curves are already so flattened, central banks may need to rely more on reducing their holdings of government bonds to prevent an inversion of the yield curve.
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2021
The Fed has risen too far above political control
The problem with the Fed is that the need for stability — and for avoiding market shocks — cuts across the desire to exert more democratic control over the central bank.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2021
Changing the climate of financial regulation
Despite the growing costs of climate change, U.S. financial regulators have yet to show they are thinking creatively about potential solutions.
Japan Times
Aug 27, 2021
U.S. Fed decries wealth gap it helps perpetuate
All things being equal, the Fed is actively making the wealth gap more pronounced with its ultraeasy monetary policy.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2021
China is the first crack in the COVID-19 recovery
The shift by China's central bank is jarring because the nation spent months conveying the idea that it was comfortable trimming — not adding — support for the economy.


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