Tag - europe



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 28, 2015
'Surreptitious' Grexit plan not so secret after Varoufakis slip
Yanis Varoufakis divulged the details on how Greece could sneak out of the euro "without telling anyone" in a conference call released Monday.
BUSINESS / Companies
Jul 21, 2015
Ajinomoto eyeing further acquisitions in Europe
Ajinomoto Co., the Japanese maker of flavors and food ingredients, has posted an executive in Europe to hunt for acquisition targets in the region, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
Jul 20, 2015
Rising tensions in Eastern Europe
As tensions rise between NATO and Russia, both sides would do well to remember and follow the spirit of the Helsinki Accords.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2015
IMF believes Greece needs debt relief far beyond EU plans
Greece will need far bigger debt relief than euro zone partners have been prepared to envisage so far due to the devastation of its economy and banks in the last two weeks, says a confidential study by the International Monetary Fund seen by reporters.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 13, 2015
Greece surrenders much of its sovereignty to avoid euro exit
Eurozone leaders made Greece surrender much of its sovereignty to outside supervision Monday in return for agreeing to talks on an €86 billion bailout to keep the near-bankrupt country in the single currency.
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2015
Eurozone members strive to keep Greece in fold
Eurozone leaders will fight to the finish to keep near-bankrupt Greece in the eurozone Sunday after the European Union's chairman canceled a planned summit of all 28 EU leaders that would have been needed in case of a "Grexit."
Jul 10, 2015
Orderly 'Grexit' poses a puzzle for lawyers
A "Grexit" on Sunday? Not so fast, say the lawyers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 10, 2015
Global warming shrinking presence of vital bumblebees in Northern Hemisphere
Global warming is shrinking the terrain where bumblebees live in North America and Europe, with these vital pollinators departing the southernmost and hottest parts of their ranges while failing to move north into cooler climes, scientists say.
Jul 9, 2015
Greece nears the time of reckoning
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is running out of time before the rubber meets the road and he decides whether Greece will leave the European Union.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2015
China stocks nosedive as regulator warns of 'panic'
Chinese stocks dived on Wednesday, as the country's securities regulator warned investors were in the grip of "panic sentiment" and the market showed signs of freezing up as companies scrambled to escape the rout by having their shares suspended.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 6, 2015
French renewables power grid pilot shows limits of batteries in Europe
A major pilot project by Europe's largest power network operator to integrate power from rooftop solar panels into the grid has shown that battery storage of renewable energy is not yet economically viable in Europe.
Jul 5, 2015
The unstoppable human tide
Europe and the rest of the world needs to step up to the plate and deal with the humanitarian crisis over the tide of migrants sweeping across the Mediterranean.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 5, 2015
German Euroskeptic party's founder ousted by rival who plans to focus on immigration
The founder of the Euroskeptic party Alternative for Germany (AfD) lost a leadership vote on Saturday to his main rival, heralding a new focus on immigration for a party that was set up to oppose the euro.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 4, 2015
Greeks deeply divided heading into crucial vote
Tens of thousands of Greeks took to the streets on Friday in rival rallies that laid bare the deep divide heading into a referendum that may decide the country's future in Europe's single currency.
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2015
Does Greek vote befit the birthplace of democracy?
When Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras dropped the bombshell of a popular plebiscite on the tough demands of creditors keeping Greece afloat, he cited the country's pedigree as the "birthplace of democracy."
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2015
Referendum won't end Greek drama
Germany and the rest of the euro region are bracing for more Greek political upheaval followed by tortuous negotiations, even if the country votes for more austerity in Sunday's referendum.
Jun 30, 2015
Greece may find it easier to close banks than reopen them
Capital controls imposed in Greece are likely to stay in place for months and its banks may need billions of euros of new capital or even face nationalization under a lengthy financial rebuilding, industry sources said.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 29, 2015
With possible 'Grexit,' Merkel fears 'blowing up Europe' for third time
"If you break it, you own it," former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell warned President George W. Bush before his invasion of Iraq.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 29, 2015
In Greece, it's not over even when an old lady faints at the ATM
Her money was inside, she was outside, and the bank wasn't going to open.


A man offers prayers at Hebikubo Shrine in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward. The shrine is one of several across the country dedicated to the snake.
Shed your skin and reinvent yourself in the Year of the Snake