Tag - europe



Oct 25, 2013
Foreign services told that Snowden has files on cooperation with U.S.
U.S. officials are alerting some foreign intelligence services that documents detailing their secret cooperation with the United States have been obtained by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, according to government officials.
Oct 19, 2013
Crossing the Mediterranean 'cemetery'
Italians don't want the economic and political migrants crossing the 'Mediterranean cemetery' in flimsy boats to drown, but they don't want them to stay in Italy either.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2013
Subs the new luxury item at Monaco
Graham Hawkes, inventor of the "underwater plane," made his debut at the Monaco Yacht Show last month in a bid to entice billionaire boat owners to take the plunge.
Oct 2, 2013
European voters wise to back austerity
Contrary to what most of the loud media commentary would have us believe, financial 'austerity' or fiscal responsibility appears popular. Angela Merkel's success is proof.
Oct 2, 2013
Success eludes Putin on some foreign policy fronts
lthough Russian President Vladimir Putin has had some success strengthening Moscow's position in the Middle East, the 'near abroad' area to Russia's west is not marching in step.
Sep 1, 2013
Voices from the scarlet calamity of World War II
World War II's reverberations will roll down the centuries in its geopolitical consequences, and in the literature it elicited in letters and in histories like Rick Atkinson's trilogy on the liberation of Western Europe.
Aug 21, 2013
Capitalism is destroying southern European life
The popular civilizations of Greece, France, Spain and Portugal appear endangered, because of a pincer movement by tourism and the north's economic doctrines.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Aug 20, 2013
Frugal German election contrasts sharply with U.S.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's calendar this past week looked like this: unpack from an Italian vacation, catch up with advisers and kick off a campaign with a small-town rally for an election that will be held in just five weeks.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 23, 2013
Hezbollah military wing added to EU terror list
The European Union declares the military wing of Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a move designed to put pressure on the Shiite political and militant group after years of urging from the United States and Israel.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Jul 3, 2013
Portugal's baby bust feeding vicious cycle
For an enterprise in the business of welcoming life, the birthing ward inside Portugal's largest maternity hospital is eerily quiet. On a recent morning, not a single expectant father nervously paced the orange laminated floors. Unhurried nurses shuffled by rows of darkened rooms with empty beds, busying...
Jun 27, 2013
Probe launched after Anglo Irish execs' calls leaked
A former executive at Anglo Irish Bank Corp. said it would be "fantastic" if the state took over the lender, as "we'd all get to keep our jobs" and sang "Deutschland uber alles" as the bank won German deposits, according to tapes of 2008 conversations released last Wednesday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 1, 2013
Fringe independence party sends shivers down Tory spines
Landing on doormats across Somerset in recent weeks has been a Tory election leaflet the like of which locals have never seen before: "A vote for UKIP is a vote for the Lib Dems. UKIP has no plans or policies for Somerset. Only the Conservatives can deliver an In/Out referendum by 2017."
Japan Times
Mar 31, 2013
U.S. takes lead on missile defense
The United States has quietly taken on the huge task of trying to organize regional ballistic missile defense networks, not only among NATO countries, but also in East Asia and the Middle East.
Mar 27, 2013
ECB head Mario Draghi's opiate of the markets
From the standpoint of EU economic stability, the division of Italy's parliament into three mutually incompatible political forces is a terrible outcome.
Mar 27, 2013
Slovenia next in line to face debt woe
As soon as policymakers averted a crisis in Cyprus, another appears to be brewing. The latest country to provoke concern is Slovenia.
Mar 26, 2013
Cyprus bailout's long-term impact uncertain
European leaders Monday hailed a last-minute bailout for Cyprus as an important step in defending their unified currency, but some officials and analysts questioned whether the deal raised new problems that could still threaten the survival of the euro.
Japan Times
Mar 26, 2013
New legislators rouse Italian politics
Mr. Smith went to Washington. Carlo Sibilia has come to Rome.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2013
Green turns black as Europe burns up cheap U.S. coal
Green-friendly Europe has a dirty secret: It is burning a lot more coal. Europe's use of the fossil fuel spiked last year after a long decline, powered by a surge of cheap U.S. coal on global markets and by the unintended consequences of ambitious climate policies that capped emissions and reduced reliance...
Sep 23, 2007
Greater mobility for smaller wage gaps
PRAGUE — From its earliest days, the European Union has aimed for balanced economic development across its regions. The Maastricht Treaty contains the striking phrase "overall harmonious development." But however admirable this sentiment may be, there is no "scientific truth" about the "right" level...


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?