Tag - europe



Japan Times
Jul 12, 2016
Risk of war returns to Europe
Europe remains home to more than half the world's nuclear weapons, and a growing number of experts believe that the risk of a third major war there is increasing.
Jul 1, 2016
The WWI battle that continues to haunt Europe
The most important battle of the war that spawned our modern era began on July 1, 1916.
Japan Times
Jun 29, 2016
Britain, not the European Union, will survive
After Brexit, Europe could finally emerge as a strong international actor, but sadly the political will to achieve such an outcome is unlikely to emerge.
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2016
Views from Tokyo: Should Britain vote to leave the EU?
People out and about in Tokyo offer their thoughts on the 'Brexit' referendum being held in the U.K.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2016
Must U.S. satisfy NATO's paranoid members?
The only way to get Europeans to make a more meaningful military contribution is to turn responsibility for their defense over to them. Washington should stop taking care of NATO.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
May 25, 2016
Greece begins slow process of moving migrants south from squalid Macedonia border camp
Greece sent in police and bulldozers on Tuesday to knock down tents and relocate hundreds of migrants who had been stranded for months in a squalid makeshift camp on the border with Macedonia.
Apr 25, 2016
Making the case against helicopter money
With the European Central Bank's expansionary policies having failed to push inflation rates back up to the authorities' target of 'below but close to 2 percent,' some economists are now advocating 'helicopter drops.'
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2016
Kawaguchi developed unique training skills overseas
Masafumi Kawaguchi is not interested in the past. Not even in his brilliant American football career.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Apr 12, 2016
Greece tries to lure wary migrants into centers before tourist season
Keen to clear the decks for its lucrative summer tourist season, Greece is trying to clear thousands of migrants out of its biggest port where they are sleeping rough by persuading them that they are better off in organized reception centers.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Mar 11, 2016
Migrants mired in muddy no-man's land as closed border bars way north
The closure of the Balkan route to migrants has left about 430 desperate people, mainly Syrians and Iraqis, trapped in a muddy no-man's land between Macedonia and Serbia, unwilling to go back to Macedonia but barred from heading to Serbia or farther north.
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2016
Time to recall FDR's words
The U.S and Europe must avoid becoming monsters in their efforts to defeat a monster.
Feb 17, 2016
Refugees, jihad and the specter of terrorism
The Mediterranean holds the key to Europe's security, yet little attention is being paid to shoring up the continent's southern flank.
Jan 31, 2016
EU welfare states under siege
If freedom of movement within Europe is to be maintained — and if high inflows of non-EU citizens continue — European welfare states face a stark choice: adjust or collapse.
Jan 26, 2016
Europe's problem: location, location, location
Europe is in the wrong place at the wrong time. And the consequences may rip it apart.
Jan 25, 2016
'Illiberal democracies' trod a dangerous path
Instead of describing Europe's new authoritarian leaders as 'illiberal' we should be calling them what they really are: 'undemocratic.'
Japan Times
Jan 11, 2016
Make 2016 a better year for migrants
Dealing with the refugee crisis will be a profound test of the civic health of democratic societies worldwide.
Jan 4, 2016
Russia and Ukraine are finally breaking up
The ongoing political and economic separation of Russia and Ukraine will likely be completed this year.


A man offers prayers at Hebikubo Shrine in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward. The shrine is one of several across the country dedicated to the snake.
Shed your skin and reinvent yourself in the Year of the Snake