Tag - europe



Japan Times
Mar 28, 2022
Putin’s war has given birth to a geopolitical Europe
While some expected the European Union to dither, disagree and delay, it sprung into action at record speed to support Ukraine.
Japan Times
Mar 27, 2022
The making of Vladimir Putin
As China rose, as the U.S. fought and lost its forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as technology networked the world, a Russian enigma took form in the Kremlin.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Mar 27, 2022
Gazprom arm risks rattling energy markets from U.K. to Singapore
Gazprom Marketing & Trading is facing liquidity problems as banks delay its transactions and peers refuse to deal with it.
Japan Times
Mar 26, 2022
Biden eyes long-term hydrogen breakthrough in plan to send gas to EU
The U.S. says the infrastructure needed under a plan to boost natural gas shipments to Europe will be built so that it can be converted later to distribute climate-friendly hydrogen.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2022
Disruption to rail routes due to war in Ukraine poses latest hitch for supply chains
Exporters and logistics firms transporting auto parts, cars, laptops and smartphones are now looking to avoid land routes that pass through Russia or the combat zone.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2022
Ukraine is changing the world order, just not how Putin hoped
From Berlin to London and Baltic capitals like Tallinn, the metrics of defending Europe have been torn up.
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2022
Biden says Russia is considering using chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine
The U.S. leader also warned businesses to be alert for possible cyberattacks by Russia. 'It's part of Russia's playbook,' he said.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2022
Amid fears of further Russian expansionism, NATO looks to its weakest link
An emboldened Moscow could encircle NATO's new Baltic members, cutting them off from the alliance — if a new Iron Curtain is to fall, NATO needs to ensure its members are not behind it.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2022
For a Dutch province, Ukraine war is a call to pump natural gas
Residents had been opposing gas production since earthquakes started to force them out of their homes a decade ago. Russia's invasion of Ukraine changed their minds.
Japan Times
Mar 16, 2022
The monetary consequences of Vladimir Putin
Having witnessed the financial shock and awe or Russia's invasion and the subsequent sanctions, other countries will likely re-think how and where they hold their foreign assets.
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2022
Putin, Xi and the risk of World War III
After obtaining China's backing, Vladimir Putin set about realizing his life's dream of retaking Ukraine, a decision that may backfire on both Moscow and Beijing.
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2022
Drillers awaken in Canada as war leaves world begging for oil
For years, the country's drillers have been in slumber. But as oil soared above $100 a barrel, the industry began to stir as the potential windfall became irresistible for some.
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2022
Demand for VPNs in Russia skyrockets after Facebook and Instagram block
Instagram access in Russia was cut from Monday in response to Meta's decision last week to allow social media users in Ukraine to post messages such as 'Death to the Russian invaders.'
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2022
Drugmakers pause trials in Russia while still sending medicine
Major pharmaceutical firms are seeking to strike a balance between international opprobrium over Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the needs of sick patients.
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2022
China sees at least one winner emerging from Ukraine war: China
With a strategy to shield itself from the worst economic and diplomatic consequences it could face, China seeks to benefit from geopolitical shifts once the smoke clears.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2022
Europe imported more weapons ahead of war in Ukraine, report says
European states accounted for 13% of global arms transfers in the period between 2017 and 2021, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute found.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2022
The legality of foreigners fighting for Ukraine
Because volunteers will be fighting as members of the Ukrainian army, they are unlikely to face charges in their home country over their specific actions in the war.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2022
Finding a way out of the war in Ukraine proves elusive
Just as the past two weeks revealed that Russia's vaunted military faltered in its invasion plan, the next two or three may reveal whether Ukraine can survive as a state.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2022
‘Things will only get worse.’ Putin’s war sends Russians into exile.
Tens of thousands of Russians have fled to Istanbul since Russia invaded Ukraine last month — outraged about what they see as a criminal war.
Japan Times
Mar 12, 2022
Ukraine’s wave of refugees puts European solidarity under strain
The number of refugees escaping Ukraine — the vast majority arriving in Eastern Europe — could climb to 4 million in a matter of days, according to officials close to the situation.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?