Tag - environment



Jul 8, 2013
Ministry website displays heatstroke risks for 841 locations across nation
The Environment Ministry is starting to upload heat indices and forecasts for 841 locations to its website, accompanied by a warning system to alert the public to the risk of heatstroke.
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Jun 28, 2013
Festival flea markets are a treat
The Japanese have a knack for putting hard-to-describe feelings into words. A good example is the word "mottainai," used when expressing regret over wasting a resource or opportunity. It's an expression that's getting good use recently, as society makes a push to be more eco-conscious.
Japan Times
Jun 23, 2013
Jellyfish carry the sting of human overcrowding
It may not be immediately apparent what jellyfish, human population growth and our protein diet have in common. Take a closer look, though, and all three offer warning signs that dramatic changes are on the horizon for us and our planet.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2013
Ecological disaster looms for rain forests of Sumatra
Our small plane had been flying low over Sumatra for three hours but all we had seen was an industrial landscape of palm and acacia trees stretching 50 km in every direction. A haze of blue smoke from newly cleared land drifted eastward over giant plantations. Long drainage canals dug through equatorial...
Japan Times
May 22, 2013
Osaka takes plunge with canal pool
If an Osaka company has its way, getting roaring drunk and jumping, or falling, into Dotonbori Canal after either a Hanshin Tigers victory or a wild night out in neighboring Shinsaibashi will be less risky, healthwise, but it will no longer be free.
Japan Times
May 19, 2013
The other costs of concrete
Where does concrete come from? The material has become such a pervasive symbol of human alienation from nature that it's tempting to assume it's just another brutish product of the 18th-century Industrial Revolution.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2013
Tohoku coast faces man-made perils in wake of tsunami
One day in October 2011, marine ecologist Masahiro Nakaoka donned his scuba gear, paddled into the waters of Funakoshi Bay in Iwate Prefecture, and braced himself for his first glimpse of its underwater communities since a massive tsunami triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake swept through seven...
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Dec 1, 2011
Power saving puts Christmas illuminations in a new light
While the winter setsuden will soon be in full effect, the Christmas illumination show must go on.
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Sep 2, 2010
Japan by the numbers (09.02.10)
Surveys uncover attractions to learning and being eco-friendly, as well as aversions to balding and becoming a housewife.
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jul 16, 2010
Japan by the numbers (07.16.10)
They say low maintenance (eco-friendly bags, unstyled hair, alone time) is in. And let's not worry about English and summer flings for now.
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Mar 25, 2010
Japan by the numbers (03.25.2010)
Japan sounds off on overtime, online gaming and which part of a woman is the sexiest.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Nov 5, 2009
New faces down on the farm
Whether it's in a country field or on a high-rise rooftop, the self-sufficiency benefits of farming are inspiring more Japanese to till the soil.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Sep 10, 2009
Electric bicycles take charge
A surge in electric bicycle sales means cleaner air, but for many, it's all about the bottom line and having a helpful push up that hill.
Reader Mail
Apr 10, 2008
Don't overlook water problems
The March 23 article "Billions may lack safe drinking water by 2025: U.N." mentions that new ways to provide clean water to citizens are being tested. Water users themselves, however, have very little or no knowledge about the problem.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties