Tag - environment



Jul 1, 2019
India fears for crops and economy after driest June in five years
India had its driest June in five years due to a delay in monsoon rains, the weather department said late Sunday, raising fears for crops and the broader economy.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 28, 2019
France sets 2050 carbon-neutral target with new law
French lawmakers on Thursday voted into law the first article in a climate and energy package that sets goals for France to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and go carbon-neutral by 2050 in line with the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2019
Activists urge G20 leaders to make sure underrepresented voices aren't marginalized
Social activists and NGO representatives from Osaka and beyond called on Japan and Group of 20 leaders Wednesday to ensure input from the public is included in their deliberations.
Japan Times
JAPAN / G20 Osaka
Jun 26, 2019
Odds of sweeping deal slim, Japan to use Osaka G20 to tackle plastic waste problem one step at a time
When international delegates arrived at Karuizawa Station for the Group of 20 environment ministers' meeting earlier this month, they were greeted by local schoolchildren, bilingual volunteers — and a wild boar the size of an elephant.
Jun 24, 2019
U.K. offshore wind to get $127 million fund to boost growth
The U.K. offshore wind industry is to get a £100 million ($127 million) fund to spur growth in the next decade.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2019
Green-tech megacity taking shape in China
Entrepreneur Tony Verb is on a mission to promote technology that can help make cities greener and smarter in China's Greater Bay Area, now being shaped as a low-carbon megalopolis.
Japan Times
Jun 20, 2019
Team Trump replaces Obama-era power plant rule in boost to coal industry
The Trump administration finalized a new carbon emissions rule for U.S. power plants on Wednesday that it said could cut pollution without damaging the coal industry, replacing a much tougher Obama-era version to fight climate change.
Japan Times
Jun 18, 2019
As Angela Merkel's coalition attempts to hang on, Greens ride to brink of power in Germany
When the scruffy Greens marched into the German parliament nearly four decades ago in jeans and sneakers, they were sidelined and ridiculed. Today, the party has a legitimate shot at governing Europe's largest economy.
Jun 18, 2019
Canada in talks with Malaysia about taking back plastic waste
The government of Canada said on Monday it is in discussions with Malaysia about retrieving plastic waste that originated from Canada and is currently in Malaysia.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 16, 2019
G20 energy ministers agree at meeting in Japan to outlines of framework to tackle marine plastic waste
Environment and energy ministers from the Group of 20 agreed to the outline of a new international framework in order to tackle the problem of marine plastic waste.
Jun 15, 2019
G20 envoys assemble in Nagano to discuss climate change and plastic waste
Group of 20 nations' environment and energy ministers gather to search for innovative ways to combat emissions-driven climate change and eliminate plastic waste.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 12, 2019
Near-record 'dead zone' forecast off U.S. Gulf coast, threatening fish
A near record-sized "dead zone" of oxygen-starved water could form in the Gulf of Mexico this summer, threatening its huge stocks of marine life, researchers said.
Jun 7, 2019
Japanese government paper calls for review of handling of plastics
In an annual report released Friday, the government stressed the need to review the handling of plastics by offering successful examples of municipal and corporate efforts to reduce plastic waste.
Japan Times
Jun 2, 2019
Japan must exit coal
The government should shake itself free from lobby groups and establish the nation as a world leader in the shift toward renewables
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 1, 2019
U.S. biologists probe deaths of 70 emaciated gray whales
U.S. government biologists have launched a special investigation into the deaths of at least 70 gray whales washed ashore in recent months along the U.S. West Coast, from California to Alaska, many of them emaciated, officials said on Friday.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly