Tag - energy



Japan Times
Apr 25, 2014
Costs keep mounting for idled reactors
Since March 2011, the government has focused on the cost of cleaning up after Fukushima, the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Now, the bill is coming due for another unbudgeted consequence of that calamity — shutting down the nation's 48 remaining nuclear reactors for costly safety reviews that...
Apr 17, 2014
Japan misses chance as Abe looks backward
For Abenomics bulls who still hold out hope that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to make good on his pledges to revitalize Japan, the past week must have been at least a little disconcerting.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2014
In test of post-Fukushima policy, town rallies for restart of reactors
For residents of Satsumasendai, their old nuclear plant jobs take priority over a quake they never felt and an atomic disaster they never had to deal with.
Japan Times
Apr 14, 2014
Renewables get raked over coals under Abe
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing the coal industry to expand sales at home and abroad, undermining hopes among environmentalists that he'd use the Fukushima nuclear disaster to switch the nation to renewables.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2014
Shift to green energy would barely slow growth, U.N. report says
A radical shift from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy would slow world economic growth by only a tiny fraction every year, a new draft U.N. report on tackling global warming said on Friday.
Apr 11, 2014
Cabinet OKs new energy policy, kills no-nuclear goal
The Cabinet adopts a new basic energy policy that officially abandons Japan's zero-nuclear goal for atomic energy and aims to restart the nation's idled reactors instead.
Apr 11, 2014
Energy plan looks to the past
The Abe government's new Basic Energy Plan fails to set a clear direction for the nation's energy policy, which has been clouded by safety concerns ever since three reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant melted down in March 2011.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 11, 2014
U.S. accuses Russia after Putin warning on gas supplies to Europe
President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that Russian gas supplies to Europe could be disrupted if Moscow cuts the flow to Ukraine over unpaid bills, drawing a U.S. accusation that it is using energy "as a tool of coercion."
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Apr 9, 2014
Energy plan fails to set targets for renewables
The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's final version of a draft energy report reinforces the role of nuclear power in the country's future, but falls short of setting specific goals for renewable energy use.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2014
Post-Fukushima reform throws up a few surprises
The magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, devastated the northeast, killing more than 15,000 people and causing level 7 meltdowns at three reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. Observers believed the sheer size of the catastrophe and its subsequent effects...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 4, 2014
Iran, six powers start expert-level nuclear talks in Vienna
Iran and six world powers began an expert-level meeting about Tehran's nuclear program on Thursday, part of efforts to reach an agreement by late July on how to resolve a decade-old dispute that has stirred fears of a Middle East war.
Japan Times
Apr 2, 2014
Only a third of nuclear reactors may be restarted
Three years after the Fukushima disaster prompted the closure of all of Japan's nuclear reactors, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is moving to revive atomic power as a core part of the nation's energy mix, but many of those idled reactors will never come back online.
Mar 31, 2014
Russia's natural gas weapon looks overblown
On close inspection, the threat that Russia could use its natural gas as a doomsday weapon involves much bluff. If used, it would probably do less damage than imagined while imposing long-term costs on Russia.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?