Tag - energy



Jan 13, 2015
S. Korea nuclear hack ups aging reactor risks
The hacking of South Korea's nuclear operator means the country's second-oldest reactor may be shut permanently due to safety concerns, said several nuclear watchdog commissioners, raising the risk that other aging reactors may also be closed.
Japan Times
Jan 12, 2015
Lower oil prices spell good news for Japanese economy
Manufacturers, motorists and households and all stand to reap the benefits of falling prices for crude oil.
Jan 12, 2015
Oil glut spurs rush for supertankers to store excess at sea
Some of the world's largest oil traders have hired supertankers to store crude at sea, marking a milestone in the build-up of the global glut.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 8, 2015
Mineral may lead to better, cheaper solar cells
Materials that may be cheaper and more efficient than silicon at converting the sun's rays into electricity could be key to the next generation of solar power, scientists say.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2015
Modi passes 'Thatcher test' as coal union strike crumbles
Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced down the first major opposition to his economic agenda as coal unions called off a 2-day-old strike that threatened to paralyze the nation.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 8, 2015
Vast fossil fuel reserves 'must be left in the ground': study
A third of the world's oil reserves, half of gas reserves and 80 percent of current coal reserves should not be used in the coming decades if global warming is to stay below an agreed 2 degrees Celsius target, scientists said Wednesday.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Jan 6, 2015
Wall St. plunges 1%, weighed by commodity stocks
U.S. stocks fell on Monday, dragged down by commodity-linked shares as crude prices fell to fresh 5-1/2 year lows and a strong dollar also weighed on metals prices.
Jan 3, 2015
The biggest terrorism threat in Japan
Remember how the government said Japan needed a state secrets law to protect it from acts of terrorism?
Japan Times
Jan 2, 2015
Nuclear motive suspected in feed-in tariff reforms
Renewable power in Japan wavers as critics flag “reforms” to the feed-in tariff system as a bid to discourage the scorching growth of renewable energy providers.
Japan Times
Dec 28, 2014
South Korea nuclear operator says cyberattacks continue, but reactors safe
South Korea's nuclear power operator said Sunday that cyberattacks on noncritical operations at its headquarters are continuing but the country's atomic plants are operating safely and are secure from attack.
Japan Times
Dec 27, 2014
Business as usual or an energy revolution?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party won a snap election two weeks ago that caught opposition parties and the public off guard. The result was a record low turnout in which the LDP lost several seats, but kept a two-thirds majority in the Lower House.
BUSINESS / Companies
Dec 25, 2014
JFE Engineering to build ¥14.8 billion biomass plant in Aichi
JFE Engineering Corp. and partners have won an order to build a biomass plant for Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture.
Dec 23, 2014
South Korea nuclear operator says its investigating new post by hacker
South Korea's nuclear power plant operator said on Tuesday it was investigating a new threat posted on a Twitter account that a fresh batch of data had been stolen from the agency.
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2014
Real costs of nuclear power
Until now, Japan's power industry and the government have emphasized the lower energy costs from having nuclear plants generate the nation's electricity. And until now, consumers and business circles have bought into that myth.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?