Tag - emissions



Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Feb 10, 2023
SMBC to end corporate finance for coal mining by 2040, but trade finance remains
Critics have previously pointed to the ambiguity on corporate financing, potentially providing a loophole for banks lending to pure-play coal miners.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2023
The world's largest carbon capture plant gets a second chance in Texas
Carbon capture is seen by some as a vital tool to limiting global warming because it enables the use of fossil fuels while removing their emissions.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 9, 2023
Funds that inflate green credentials face strict new rules in Japan
Under the FSA’s new guidelines, only funds that consider environmental, social and governance as a 'key factor” when choosing investments can be marketed as such.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2023
A fifth of the world’s species-rich wetlands have been destroyed
Wetlands provide critical and historically under-recognized benefits to humanity, including flood defense, water storage and biodiversity protection.
Japan Times
Feb 6, 2023
Adani’s crisis points to big risk in India's net-zero plan
Adani’s rapid downfall may undermine investor confidence in India more broadly, threatening to curb capital flows into the nation for green financing.
Japan Times
Feb 5, 2023
Germany's Olaf Scholz is learning that it’s not easy going green
Under the leader's stewardship, German industry is struggling to find new technologies and trade partners to provide the backbone for the coming green transformation.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 4, 2023
Concrete traps carbon dioxide soaked from air in climate-friendly test
The joint effort was the first time that carbon dioxide absorbed from the atmosphere using such Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology had been secured in concrete.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2023
Chubu Electric and BP to study carbon capture and storage project in Nagoya
Nagoya is Japan's biggest port in terms of cargo volume and is located near steel, automotive and other manufacturing plants that account for 3% of the country's total emissions.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2023
Nippon Paper and other firms eyeing sustainable aviation fuel made from wood
The project, if it succeeds, would aim to produce bioethanol from Nippon Paper's mills in the 2027 fiscal year to be used as a feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2023
Saving the planet and picking fights in the process
The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act’s climate change provisions are a game changer for a cleaner environment but are also antagonizing America's allies.
Japan Times
Jan 26, 2023
How threatening are threats and what are they doing to our psychological well-being?
News, social media alerts and scares are lighting up not only our smartphones, but also our brains, prompting some to ask how all the “threat talk” might be affecting us psychologically.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2023
The coming El Nino could be a glimpse of a grim future
A temporary spike in temperatures next year because of the El Nino weather pattern might motivate the world to curb carbon emissions.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jan 23, 2023
Why Japan's favorite fermented paste may hold the key to a low-carbon diet
The ancient art of fermentation, an essential part of Japanese cuisine, is helping reduce the environmental impact of the food we eat today, and will eat in the future.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2023
Under Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia can use global funds to 'do better' on climate
So far, Anwar has focused on corruption and the rising cost of living but has said little on how he will bolster Malaysia's green credentials.
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2023
Boston startup raises $40 million to develop new low-carbon cement technology
The cement industry makes as much as 8% of the world's emissions — meeting global climate goals would require reducing that to zero.
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2023
The German town at the heart of a debate over coal and climate
German officials have said the revival of coal-burning is an emergency measure to weather the energy crisis, but climate activists are resisting.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 15, 2023
Efforts to commercialize carbon capture tech accelerating in Japan
The industry ministry is set to draw up a road map including measures to help promote the use of such tech, believing that it is essential for realizing net-zero emissions by 2050.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 12, 2023
Scientists sound alarm as ocean temperatures hit new record
Climate change has increased surface temperatures across the planet, leading to atmospheric instability and amplifying extreme weather events such as storms.
Japan Times
Jan 8, 2023
In defense of the art-targeting climate activists
The eco-activists targeting masterpieces can claim that civil disobedience is justified by the failure of our democracies to show sufficient concern about future generations.
Japan Times
Jan 2, 2023
Is a 1.5 degree Celsius climate objective just a pipe dream?
Continuing to tout the unrealistic 1.5 C global warming goal is unrealistic; but setting a more feasible target raises risks of its own.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?