Tag - electricity



Jul 7, 2014
Electricity gold rush heralds end for monopolies
Watami Co., a restaurant chain known best as a hangout for salarymen, is getting into the business of selling power — and it isn't alone.
Jun 12, 2014
Politics at the root of India's power problems
India finally has an integrated nationwide power system. Now it needs to sweep away the entrenched interests in the state electricity boards and shift to a full cost-recovery model.
BUSINESS / Companies
May 22, 2014
IHI sees future for small geothermal projects amid clean energy boom
IHI Corp. expects the market for small geothermal projects to take off in Japan as it seeks cleaner sources of energy.
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2014
Shift to green energy would barely slow growth, U.N. report says
A radical shift from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy would slow world economic growth by only a tiny fraction every year, a new draft U.N. report on tackling global warming said on Friday.
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 14, 2014
New way found to convert natural gas
U.S. scientists said Thursday they have devised a potentially easier, cheaper and cleaner way to turn natural gas into usable fuels and chemicals — a discovery that could lead to natural gas products displacing oil products in the future.
Japan Times
Jan 6, 2014
'Solar girl' sheds reliance on Tepco for spartan life on the edge of the grid
It was August 2012 when Chikako Fujii had one of the most memorable conversations of her life. That moment came when a bill collector from Tokyo Electric Power Co. rang her doorbell in the west Tokyo suburb of Kunitachi and told her with finality that she had an important choice to make.
Nov 24, 2013
Monitor power industry reform
Close monitoring in necessary to ensure that reform of the power industry does not get derailed by vested interests.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Aug 12, 2013
Recycled udon — a viable energy alternative or a sign of extreme extravagance?
Instead fermenting udon scraps for electricity, shouldn't we reduce the amount of food we are wasting in the first place?


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan