Tag - election



Japan Times
Sep 17, 2014
Tokyo and Saitama: How would you vote on the issue of independence for Scotland?
Britons in Kanto explain why they are backing a 'yes' in the referendum for Scottish independence or a 'no' for the status quo.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 16, 2014
Gordon Brown wrestles with Scotland's fate ahead of referendum
Once mocked for claiming to have saved the world after the 2008 financial crisis, former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown may now have the fate of Scotland in his hands.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2014
Worry, mystification in China over Scotland independence vote
As Scotland heads to the polls Thursday to vote on whether to become independent, one country with restive regions of its own is watching the debate unfold with nervousness and some mystification — China.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 14, 2014
Say 'non': Quebec referendum offers lessons for pro-union U.K. leaders
Canadian politicians who almost saw their country torn apart by an independence referendum in 1995 say that pro-union British leaders have been slow to learn lessons from that campaign but can still take steps to win the vote that Scotland will hold on Thursday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 14, 2014
Ford's exit from Toronto mayoral race gives his older brother, the power behind the throne, a crack at the top job
The withdrawal of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and the entry of his older brother in the election race has turned the spotlight from a volatile man who had admitted smoking crack cocaine to his less charismatic but steadier sibling, long seen as the power behind the throne.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 14, 2014
Silent Europe aghast at possible breakup of U.K.
Britain's international partners are aghast, mostly in silence, at the possibility that one of the leading Western powers could break up and turn in on itself if Scotland votes this week for independence from London.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 12, 2014
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has tumor; election campaign up in air
Speculation swept Canada's biggest city on Thursday after Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who made global headlines last year for admitting he had smoked crack cocaine, was hospitalized with an abdominal tumor just six weeks before the mayoral election.
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2014
China asserts paternal rights over Hong Kong in clash over democracy
Just days before China was set to deliver its edict on electoral reform in Hong Kong, Beijing's most senior official in the city held a rare meeting with several local lawmakers whose determined push for full democracy had incensed Beijing's communist leaders.
Japan Times
Sep 10, 2014
Naha mayor to run for Okinawa governor on anti-base relocation platform
Naha Mayor Takeshi Onaga said Wednesday he will run in the Okinawa gubernatorial election in November, on a platform of opposition to the planned relocation of a U.S. military base within the prefecture.
Japan Times
Sep 9, 2014
New Thai PM uses holy water, feng shui to ward off occult
As he prepares to move in to Bangkok's Government House this week, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha is going to great lengths to sweep away any occult challenge.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 9, 2014
Fresh poll shows rival Scottish independence camps neck-and-neck
The rival campaigns in Scotland's fight over independence are running neck-and-neck nine days before the referendum, with a surge in support for those who wish to break away from the United Kingdom, a TNS poll showed Tuesday.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 7, 2014
Supporters of Scottish independence take a narrow poll lead for the first time
Supporters of Scottish independence have taken their first opinion poll lead since the referendum campaign began, which indicates a real possibility that they might win, according to a YouGov survey for the Sunday Times newspaper.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 7, 2014
Former Canadian minister Prentice to become premier of Alberta
Jim Prentice, a former investment banker and minister in the government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, was selected as the new premier of the oil-rich province of Alberta on Saturday, defeating two rivals in a vote for leader of the province's ruling Progressive Conservatives.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 5, 2014
A Scottish 'yes' vote may not be such a big change for the queen
Scotland's vote on independence this month means Queen Elizabeth II faces a division in her kingdom not seen since the days of her namesake, Elizabeth I, at the start of the 17th century.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2014
Scottish independence would mean harsh consequences for U.K., economist says
A Scottish vote for independence from the United Kingdom this month could have serious consequences for the Scottish and U.K. economies, Goldman Sachs said in a research note on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Sep 2, 2014
Xi's hard line on Hong Kong shows no room for tolerating challenges
President Xi Jinping's uncompromising stance on limiting democratic reforms in Hong Kong marks a public show of strength that signals to the world — and China's own citizens — that the ruling Communist Party won't tolerate any challenges to its authority.
Japan Times
Sep 2, 2014
Brazil's Silva looks presidential, but not a shoo-in
Popular environmentalist Marina Silva looks capable of winning Brazil's presidential election in October but a major campaign gaffe and mounting attacks from other candidates and the media suggest the race is still wide open.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?