Tag - elderly



An 84-year-old man has been arrested after missing a red light and hitting a girl with his car in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Jun 5, 2024
Saitama police arrest elderly man after hitting first grader with car
Hideo Aoki, arrested on suspicion of negligent driving resulting in injury, has admitted to the charge, according to police.
The room where a meeting between the bereaved relatives and Kozo Iizuka took place.
May 30, 2024
Bereaved relatives meet perpetrator of 2019 Ikebukuro car crash
After the visit, Takuya Matsunaga, who lost his wife and daughter, said that he hopes the perpetrator's words can provide "hints" on how similar incidents can be prevented.
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome can be caused by bacteria called group A streptococcus.
JAPAN / Science & Health
May 27, 2024
STSS infections growing at record pace in Japan
The patient tally this year had reached 851 as of May 12, with the figure being 2.8 times higher than a year before.
As Japan grapples with its population's rapid aging, supporting people who live and age alone is looming larger on the policy agenda.
JAPAN / Society
May 14, 2024
In Japan, 68,000 people over 65 projected to die alone at home this year
In the first official tally of solitary deaths, the National Police Agency said a total of 21,716 people had died alone at home from January through March.
With a rise in the number of single elderly people in Japan, local governments are offering support for their end-of-life preparations.
JAPAN / Society
May 9, 2024
Japan local governments offering support for end-of-life preparations
According to a health ministry survey, the number of single-person households with members aged 65 or older came to 8.73 million in 2022.
Mitsunobu Inoike talks about the Kanakura district of Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, known for its terraced rice fields, on Friday.
JAPAN / Society
May 1, 2024
Noto quake survivors face tough choice: leave or remain
In the disaster-hit areas, many damaged houses are being left as they are.
For a little more than a decade, scientists have been studying a subset of people they call "super-agers.” These individuals are age 80 and older, but they have the memory ability of a person 20 to 30 years younger.
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 30, 2024
A peek inside the brains of ‘super-agers’
New research explores why some octogenarians have exceptional memories.
Japan has entered an era of full-fledged population decline. If current trends remain unchanged, the nation's population is expected to decline by about half from 124 million in 2023 to 63 million by 2100.
Apr 26, 2024
Japan’s shrinking population is a big problem for the nation
An expert panel sounds the alarm on the nation's declining birthrate and population crisis.
After a string of contractual issues over guarantor service for the elderly, the government aims to introduce specific regulations to ensure that users can access support with confidence.
JAPAN / Society
Apr 25, 2024
Japan to draw up guidelines for elderly guarantor services
Demand for guarantor services is rising due to the growing number of elderly living alone
Takuya Matsunaga reads a reply from Kozo Iizuka, imprisoned for killing Matsunaga's wife and daughter in 2019 in a high-profile accident in Tokyo's Ikebukuro district, at his home in Tokyo earlier this month.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Apr 19, 2024
Five years after fatal Ikebukuro crash, bereaved man works to prevent repeat
A man plans to meet with the driver who accidentally killed his wife and young daughter, hoping to learn what went through the driver's mind.
By 2050, 10.8 million elderly people will be living alone, making up 20.6% of all households, the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research said in a projection that it issues every five years.
JAPAN / Society
Apr 13, 2024
Elderly living alone to make up a fifth of Japanese households by 2025, study finds
The projection came as young Japanese people delay marriage or choose not to have children partly because they cannot afford to do so.
A man walks on a road in the Sugamo district of Tokyo. The recent death of a 112-year-old in Chiba Prefecture means no man who was born in the Meiji Era (1868-1912) is still alive in the nation.
JAPAN / Society
Apr 10, 2024
Kanagawa 110-year-old becomes Japan's oldest man
Tomisaburo Wakui was born in November 1913 during the Taisho Era (1912-1926).
The health ministry said Japan's oldest man, Gisaburo Sonobe, has died at age 112.
Apr 4, 2024
Oldest Japanese man dies at 112
Sonobe, born in November 1911, became the oldest male in the country in November 2022.
Diapers for adults are displayed at an event in Tokyo in March 2018. The number of births in Japan dropped to a new low in 2023, with more than twice as many deaths as new babies.
BUSINESS / Companies
Mar 26, 2024
Plunging births push Japanese diaper maker to switch to adult market
Japan has the world's oldest population after Monaco, and the market for adult diapers is "expected to grow domestically."
A Filipino care worker talks to an elderly resident at a hospital in Tokyo.
JAPAN / Society
Mar 23, 2024
Japan to allow foreign nationals to engage in home care services
Currently, foreign technical intern trainees and foreign workers with so-called specified skills are banned from engaging in the services.
Tokyo's Kasumigaseki district, where government ministries and agencies are concentrated
Mar 21, 2024
More retired government employees want to work beyond 65
The most common reason, cited by 85.7% of the respondents, was to maintain their standard of living.
Women attend a singing class at Mama Sunset, a learning center for middle-aged and senior people, in Beijing in January.
Mar 18, 2024
Silver lining: Tutoring the elderly is growing fast in China
The growth potential of the industry contrasts sharply with the decline of the after-school private tutoring sector following a crackdown in 2021.
A group of Vietnamese care workers attend a send-off event before heading to Japan, in Trung Hoa, Vietnam, 2014.
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 13, 2024
Japan to adjust structure of care worker exam, easing path to success
The revisions will allow those who fail in the exam but receive passing scores for certain test sections to be exempted from retaking those sections.
A poster for digital coupons at a store in the city of Fukushima
JAPAN / Society / Regional Voices: Fukushima
Mar 11, 2024
Fukushima’s welfare coupon campaign highlights digital divide
A call center dedicated to the initiative received so many calls that telephone lines were overloaded.
Older people take part in a rhythm game competition at Chiba City Hall on Oct. 17.
Mar 3, 2024
Esports gain traction at welfare facilities in Japan
Esports is being used in part with the aim of preserving cognitive functions in elderly people.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties