Tag - elderly



Japan Times
Sep 16, 2022
Centenarians in Japan top 90,000 for first time
Japan had only 153 centenarians in 1963, when the statistics started. The latest figures show female centenarians numbered 80,161, accounting for 88.6% of the total.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2022
Japan to face a shortage of nearly 1 million medical and welfare staff in 2040
While 10.7 million such workers are projected to be necessary in 2040, only 9.74 million will be available, according to the 2022 white paper on health, labor and welfare.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2022
Filmmaker Chie Hayakawa imagines a Japan where the elderly volunteer to die
The premise for Chie Hayakawa's film, “Plan 75,” is shocking: a government push to euthanize the elderly. In a rapidly aging society, some also wonder: Is the movie prescient?
Japan Times
May 17, 2022
China’s COVID-19 exit hinges on older people who don’t want vaccines
Beijing has been reluctant to compel the segment of the population most susceptible to bad outcomes from COVID-19 to get inoculated.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Mar 25, 2022
Tokyo care center operator helps elderly people with dementia find fulfillment through work
Takayuki Maeda was once treated as an anomaly among social workers, but now government rules and standards are catching up.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2022
The jobs — and aging faces — behind South Korea's record low unemployment numbers
The country logged a record-setting run of low unemployment through February, at 2.7%, with almost half of the job increases driven by people 60 and older.
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2022
The game of life, reimagined for a superaging society
In Community Coping, players are tasked with preventing communities from collapsing by connecting troubled residents with the right experts.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2022
How to get hired if you're an older worker
The median retirement account balance for older workers in the age of COVID-19 is $15,000, which means it's likely many of those workers are looking to jump right back into the labor pool.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Feb 5, 2022
Younger Americans benefited less from COVID booster shots than older people
Several recent studies have found that vaccination alone, without boosters, remained strongly protective against severe illness and death in most people, even after omicron's appearance.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Feb 3, 2022
In Japan, a thousand digital eyes keep watch over the elderly
The surveillance programs offer the promise of protecting those in cognitive decline while helping them retain some independence, but they have also evoked fears of authoritarian overreach.
Japan Times
Jan 18, 2022
Japan must restore trust in the future among the young — here’s how
According to the Cabinet Office, just 38.8% of Japanese youth are either satisfied or fully satisfied with the state of the country compared with 57.8% in the U.S. and 56.9% in England.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Nov 25, 2021
For aging Japan, a cooker that makes chicken as soft as butter
The invention by two Panasonic Corp. engineers is designed to help people with swallowing difficulties.
Japan Times
Nov 22, 2021
A new source of fuel in an aging Japan: adult incontinence
Waste from adult diapers is growing by tens of thousands of tons a year in Japan. One town may have a solution: recycle it into fuel pellets.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?