Tag - education-4



Japan Times
Aug 27, 2018
New ¥900 million Tokyo study facility gives students hands-on taste of English
On Sept. 6 a spacious English education facility where children can immerse themselves in the language through simulated travel experiences will open in Tokyo as part of efforts to beef up Japan's communication abilities ahead of the Olympics.
WORLD / Society
Aug 27, 2018
Half the world's schools lack clean water, toilets and hand-washing, experts warn
Nearly half the world's schools lack clean drinking water, toilets and hand-washing facilities, putting millions of children at risk of disease, experts warned Monday.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2018
Osaka teachers resist mayor's plan to raise achievement test scores
Stung by the poor results of a national achievement test covering math, science, and Japanese, Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura wants to raise scores on next year's exam by linking the test results to personnel evaluations and bonuses for school principals and teachers.
Japan Times
Aug 22, 2018
Osaka student fights for Syrians' right to study in safety in Japan
When Yahya Almasri heard Japan had closed the door on other students fleeing war, he decided he had to do something.
Japan Times
Aug 22, 2018
Amnesty International Japan program aims to help schools fill the gender information gap
Amnesty International Japan introduced the Gender Human Rights Education Project, with an aim to provide a forum and tools for students to learn about and discuss gender, discrimination and human rights protection
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Aug 20, 2018
As summer vacations end, grass-roots movements in Japan work on counseling suicidal students and truants
The first day of September is the deadliest day for troubled young people in Japan, according to a 2015 Cabinet Office white paper.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / CHILD'S PLAY
Aug 19, 2018
The museum where the kids can run wild
Surreal as it sounds, the creation of personal digital crocodiles is a pretty typical activity in the world of teamLab — or more precisely, inside teamLab's new museum showcasing the work of the so-called 'ultra-technologist' art collective.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2018
'Dear Diary Boy': A vivid insider's look at education and mothering in Japan
Kumiko Makihara's recently published memoir "Dear Diary Boy" might well come with a trigger warning for parents of school-aged children in Japan. Many will be able to relate to the references to heaps of homework, judgmental parents and teachers, long lists of things that children must bring to school...
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2018
Start lifetime learning now
We need to depart from the conventional thinking that a majority of learning takes place when we are young and mainly at school.
Japan Times
Aug 8, 2018
Diverse Yokohama school aims to be model for bridging cultural gaps
Yokohama has been a cultural intersection between Japanese, foreign residents and visitors from overseas ever since opening its port to international trade in 1859, leading what was once a sleepy fishing village to become home to one of the first foreign communities in the country and develop into a...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 7, 2018
LeBron James praised by Ohio school district after Trump tweet trashing
National Basketball Association star LeBron James won praise on Monday from an Ohio school district for his support of disadvantaged children in his hometown of Akron, after U.S. President Donald Trump attacked him in a weekend tweet questioning his intelligence.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: DESIGN
Aug 5, 2018
From balancing games to playing with poop
Inspired by the 2018 Good Toy Awards winners, announced in May by the NPO Japan Good Toy Association, this month's On: Design takes a look at a few aesthetically pleasing items to help keep the kids entertained over the summer holidays.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jul 30, 2018
From robots to girl power, getting Cameroon's women into work
With a flash of green light, a robot sputters and whizzes across the room, obeying the remote control commands 15-year-old Xaviera Nguefo and her team send its way.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2018
Why Japan needs recurrent education
The driving force of Japan's future economy will be new service industries and a highly educated workforce will be a key factor.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2018
Japan's universities need more global ties
Japanese universities are becoming regionally more powerful, but they still have a long path ahead to rank among the top universities in the world.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?