Tag - education-4



Japan Times
Jul 22, 2023
China’s $100 billion tutoring ban backfires, spawning black market
Interviews with several parents found that spending on after-school tutoring actually rose for many households, especially since the start of summer holidays.
Jul 18, 2023
Education ministry alarmed by teachers' long working hours
In the education, science and technology white paper for fiscal 2022, which ended in March this year, the ministry stressed that reducing hours is an urgent task.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2023
Biden forgives $39 billion in U.S. student debt using program tweak
The Biden administration will cancel student debt for more than 804,000 borrowers, describing the relief as the result of a 'fix' to income-driven repayment plans.
Japan Times
Jul 15, 2023
Japan university admissions seen falling by 130,000 by 2040s
The yearly number of university admissions in the 2040-2050 period was estimated to fall to around 500,000, down from about 630,000 last year, and education ministry estimate has found.
Jul 12, 2023
Japanese school in Singapore begins classes for students with special needs
Previously, such children who attended dedicated classes at the Japanese School Singapore's elementary school division ended up without any such class at the secondary school.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jul 11, 2023
Pandemic causes developmental delays in 5-year-olds: research
In contrast, 3-year-olds showed no obvious delays, possibly indicating more time to communicate with guardians who by then worked from home.
Jul 6, 2023
Low incomes most likely to curb children's extracurricular activities, survey finds
The survey covered 2,097 parents of elementary school students from grades 1 to 6 over a period of two days in October 2022.
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2023
International school worth close to $1 billion turns CEO into multimillionaire
Demand from Chinese students to attend SISB has soared, with the number enrolled more than doubling in March compared with a year earlier.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2023
Academic fudging raises questions about ‘nudging’
'Nudges,' virtually invisible prompts that seek to change human behavior, aren’t going to solve big problems in society but they can help fix unknowingly bad behaviors.
JAPAN / Explainer
Jul 4, 2023
How to tell if an international school in Japan is reputable
The recent closure of an international preschool in Tokyo has put the spotlight on whether international schools deliver what they promise.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 4, 2023
Japan's youngest city mayor sets sights on education reform
Harvard-educated Ryosuke Takashima, 26, is working to gather opinions — including from children — to revitalize public schools in his city.
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2023
Affirmative action is radical U.S. Supreme Court's latest casualty
With U.S. Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling, another long-held legal precedent has been overturned and another long-standing conservative goal achieved.
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2023
U.S. Supreme Court bans race-based university admission
One year after overturning the guarantee of a woman's right to have an abortion, the court's conservative majority again demonstrated its readiness to scrap liberal policies.
Japan Times
Jun 29, 2023
Job applicants in Japan embrace ChatGPT to improve their chances
In Japan, students usually begin job hunting long before graduation. The job-hunting process is arduous, and there is a stigma around failing to secure a job before graduation.
Jun 28, 2023
Talks begin on measures to bar sex offenders from working with children
Under a proposed system, applicants for jobs at schools and nurseries would be required to submit certificates showing that they have no record of past sex crimes.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2023
South Korea unveils plans to curb soaring private education spending
The move comes as South Korean President Yoon suk-yeol this month criticized college entrance tests that incorporate questions not in the curriculum at public schools.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2023
Sidelined from academia, India's Dalits archive caste history
Despite a ban on discrimination and quotas mandating Dalit inclusion in education and government, caste-based discrimination remains widespread in India.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly