Tag - economy



May 30, 2013
Overhaul Japan's immigration laws to boost working women
By simply relaxing laws to let in foreign domestic workers, the Abe administration could give Japanese women who want to work a new option for child-care support.
May 29, 2013
Abenomics stumbling over sexism
No one needs a Sheryl Sandberg-esque 'lean-in' movement like Japan's women. Lack of women in the nation's workforce is impeding economic growth.
Japan Times
May 27, 2013
Bond vigilantes wake investors from voodoo 'Abenomics' trance
The bond vigilantes are getting antsy about Shinzo Abe's shock-therapy program, dubbed "Abenomics."
May 22, 2013
Recovery only benefiting a few
The Cabinet Office on May 16 announced that Japan's real gross domestic product (GDP) in the January-March period increased 0.9 percent, or an annualized 3.5 percent, from the previous quarter.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Yokohama: What do you think of the prime minister's 'Abenomic' strategy so far?
Businesses are getting better, and at least finance types are strong. But in my business salaries are not going up.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
May 18, 2013
JGB yield spikes raise alarm bells
Is it a sign of a full-fledged economic recovery or a looming catastrophe in the monetary making?
Apr 25, 2013
Malaysia needs to get off the road to mediocrity
In his re-election bid, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak ludicrously warns the nation of 'catastrophic ruin' and an 'Arab Winter' if he's not around.
Apr 11, 2013
Japan: a most interesting story in economics
Regardless of whether the Japanese economy makes a Keynesian recovery or enters a gargantuan sovereign debt crisis, there will be lessons for all.
Apr 6, 2013
Economy remains shaky
The Bank of Japan's latest survey of business sentiment shows that confidence among major manufacturers improved in the first quarter of 2013.
Mar 27, 2013
Signs indicate the U.S. economy is strengthening
Traditional economic labels lose their meaning for many Americans when they're told that the U.S. economy has been in a recovery since mid-2009.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2013
South Korea faces Japan-like obstacles to growth
Even as leading South Korean firms outperform many of their Japanese rivals in the global market, the nation's economy faces mounting challenges, including slowing growth, an aging population and widening rich-poor gap — problems that the country shares with Japan, researchers from South Korean think...
Mar 12, 2013
Abe's success with BOJ picks likely to boost LDP prospects for July poll
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is riding a popularity wave unseen by six immediate predecessors, including himself in his first short-lived stint, as he pushes his Bank of Japan nominees through a divided Diet, raising the odds of the ruling party winning a July election.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2013
Park's challenge: Advancing South by rising above father's, Lee's legacies
The life of Park Geun Hye, South Korea's just-inaugurated first female president, has so far been bookended by two larger-than-life men of debatable success.
Feb 27, 2013
Financial regulators' international variety show
It is hard to identify a correlation between regulatory structure and state success in heading off or responding to the financial crisis triggered in 2008.
Feb 27, 2013
The G-20 is not up to the job
If the recent circus performance of G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors is a preview, their September summit threatens to be a waste.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2013
Economic woes provide opening for White House
Japan's economic troubles may be pushing the country toward free-trade negotiations with the United States, a goal long-sought by officials in Washington who see it as a potential boon.
Feb 20, 2013
Five myths about manufacturing jobs
Despite claims of lost jobs, the U.S. is still a world leader in manufacturing, a sector that will remain essential to its economic and technological future.
Feb 20, 2013
Psychology is to blame for weak U.S. growth
U.S. job creation is weak because, since 2008-2009, Americans have gone from being an expansive, risk-taking society to a skittish, risk-averse one.
Feb 18, 2013
Hit North Korea through its financing network
Washington and Seoul should target the global network of banks and front companies that sustain North Korea's palace economy as well as its gulags.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties