Tag - economy



Nov 11, 2013
Slowdown belies untapped potential in China
The economic slowdown in China belies its untapped potential. The question is whether Beijing will take advantage of the cost shocks to implement necessary structural reforms.
Nov 11, 2013
Treasury and Krugman wrong about Germany
Germany's economic success is not due to some neomercantilist policy of using export subsidies and unfair trade interventions, so in what way can it be described as unfair
Nov 1, 2013
Next euro country in need of reform is Germany
The next German government — probably a grand coalition — will need to concentrate on basic issues affecting the next generation, including whether to establish a minimum wage.
Oct 29, 2013
The lust beneath Japan's sex drought
It's not a lack of libido but a dearth of denaro and future employment propsects that is putting young Japanese off long-term relationships, says a business columnist.
Oct 25, 2013
Free migration lifts all boats
The eager courtship by Western nations of deep-pocketed and well-educated foreigners can mislead one into thinking that globalization encourages free and open movements of peoples.
Oct 2, 2013
Consumption tax raise misdirected
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe confirms that the government will raise the sales tax from 5 to 8 percent beginning in April. But will the tax hike lead to an economic downturn
Sep 30, 2013
China to foil skeptics again
China's eagerly anticipated 'hard landing' hasn't happened yet, and recent indicators make one wonder if it ever will. Maybe China's skeptics should be viewed more skeptically.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 29, 2013
American Dream fading for many in wake of financial crisis
Four years into an economic recovery in which most of the benefits have flowed to the top earners, a majority believes that the American Dream is becoming markedly more elusive, according to the results of a Washington Post-Miller Center poll exploring Americans' changing definition of success and their...
Sep 18, 2013
Economic reforms in China
The Chinese leadership should make strenuous efforts to achieve balanced economic growth that can raise the living standards of the hundreds of millions of Chinese who remain mired in poverty.
Sep 15, 2013
Flawed fight against deflation
The government's fight against deflation will not be successful if prices rise but wages remain stagnant.
Sep 10, 2013
With changing of India's guard comes new ideas
Behind India's economic gloom, a new generation is taking over, bringing with it fresh ideas and visions.
Sep 3, 2013
Sweden offers a model for economic recovery
Sweden is enjoying steady growth thanks to an economic model that combines a social welfare society with a free-market economy and a high degree of government efficiency.
Aug 31, 2013
Predicting growth from the path of a cricket ball
Inventing new things is hard. Figuring out how to manage their applications in a sensible manner is even harder.
Aug 30, 2013
Knock down barriers to FDIs
If Japan wants to regain its international competitiveness and recover its innovative capabilities, it must encourage leading foreign firms to come to the Japanese market.
Aug 21, 2013
China needs another Zhu Rongji
China may be the globe's second-biggest economy, but over the past 10 years, it has regressed as the state companies used cheap capital to expand their grip.
Aug 21, 2013
It's now decision time for the global economy
Think of the U.S. economy as an eight-cylinder engine running on five amid fiscal consolidation, public-sector investment shortfalls and the normalization of part-time work.


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