Tag - economy



BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 20, 2015
LDP lawmaker says he wants inflation targets fixed in law
A lawmaker who has advised Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on economic policy said he will urge the government to enshrine its inflation-targeting agreements with the Bank of Japan in law as early as next year.
Jan 19, 2015
Frozen chickens threaten Venezuela's regime
While Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blames 'saboteurs' for hoarding goods and scalping prices in an alleged plot to 'destabilize' the national economy, Venezuelans are steaming over an economy in deadfall, inflation heading to three digits and supermarkets stripped of frozen chickens.
Jan 15, 2015
Cost of putting off reform
The draft government budget for fiscal 2015 paints a positive picture with regard to expectations of more tax revenue but indicates little effort to rein in government spending to restore Japan's financial health.
Jan 15, 2015
Moving toward the next Chinese economy
After more than 30 years of extraordinary growth, the Chinese economy is shifting onto a more conventional development path. The difficult rebalancing now under way could lead to an economy that's stronger than ever.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2015
Shaping China's influence
It is in the best interests of Japan, the U.S., South Korea and Australia to become members of the China-established Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to join China in shaping the future.
Japan Times
Jan 13, 2015
Japan's rising economy results in fewer suicides, but recession might reverse that
The slide into recession last year wasn't just a blow to "Abenomics," as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's fiscal policies are known.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 9, 2015
U.S. jobless claims dip; 2014 layoffs lowest in 17 years
The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell last week and job cuts declined sharply in December, suggesting the labor market is tightening.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jan 8, 2015
Fed looks past a world in turmoil, confident in U.S. recovery
U.S. central bankers have looked beyond a global deflation threat, fear of energy-sector bond defaults, and a surge of oil patch layoffs to reach what appears to be a firm conclusion: the U.S. recovery is here to stay.
Jan 6, 2015
Five top economic stories to watch in 2015
Economics columnist Robert J. Samuelson describes five issues to watch in 2015: oil prices, European debt, U.S. interest rates, wages vs. prices, and China's economy.
Japan Times
Jan 5, 2015
Numbers tell tale of Japan's postwar rise and fall
Three charts sum up Japan's fortunes over the past seven decades.
Jan 4, 2015
China needs to embrace 'creative destruction'
As 2015 starts, China's leaders should learn from the experience of Japan in 2014. The travails of 'Abenomics' should be a warning to Chinese President Xi JInping.
Dec 30, 2014
China banking on projects
The key factor that has led Beijing to create the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank is the belief that creating new demand abroad is the only way to avoid a simultaneous collapse of local governments and state corporations.
Dec 27, 2014
2014: a year of conservative gains
The year 2014 was full of unexpected events, but none helped to jolt Japan's economy, politics or society out of a sense of being stalled.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?