Tag - easter



Traditionally seen as a cautionary tale of collapse due to overpopulation, recent research suggests that Easter Island's population was likely small and that they adapted to environmental challenges through innovative agricultural practices.
Aug 23, 2024
Easter Island collapse gets the fresh look it deserves
Once viewed as a cautionary tale of overpopulation, recent research suggests Easter Island's population was small and adapted through innovative agriculture practices.
A chaplain blesses traditional cakes and eggs for servicemen of the 24th brigade of Ukrainian Army during the Easter service in an undisclosed location in the Donetsk region on Sunday.
May 6, 2024
Ukraine's soldiers mark Easter on the front line
The soldiers were celebrating Easter at a time when Russian forces have been making frontline gains because of the lack of arms on the Ukrainian side.
Pope Francis gives the Easter Urbi et Orbi message from St. Peter's basilica in the Vatican on Sunday.
Mar 31, 2024
Pope Francis pleads for peace in Easter message
In his Easter speech, Francis condemned war as "always an absurdity and a defeat," raising conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Myanmar and beyond.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2023
Pope appeals to Russians on Ukraine and decries Middle East violence in Easter message
Pope Francis asks Russians to seek the truth about their country's invasion of Ukraine in his Easter message on Sunday and appealed for dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians.
Japan Times
Apr 18, 2022
Explosions rock Ukraine as bodies line streets of Mariupol
After failing to overcome Ukrainian resistance in the north, Russia has refocused its ground offensive on the Donbas region, while launching long-distance strikes at targets elsewhere.
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2021
Pope, in Easter message, slams weapons spending in time of pandemic
Pope Francis urged countries in his Easter message on Sunday to quicken distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly to the world's poor, and called armed conflict and military spending during a pandemic "scandalous."
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2021
Myanmar protesters take up Easter eggs as symbol
Despite killings, protesters are coming out every day to reject the return of military rule after a decade of tentative steps toward democracy.
Apr 23, 2019
Horrific terrorism in Sri Lanka
The Easter Sunday attacks appear to be another indication that jihad is becoming truly global and Asian governments must prepare for that threat.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2019
Sri Lanka's pain is going to spread
The South Asian subcontinent once ruled by the British is seeing religious and ethnic identities harden and divisions deepen.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2019
Why Sri Lanka and why now?
Those living in the emerald isle thought that senseless violence was a thing of the past.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 2, 2019
Easter Islanders seek outside help for iconic statues' 'leprosy'
In just 100 years, the emblematic stone sculptures that guard the coastline of Easter Island could be little more than simple rectangular blocks, conservation experts are warning.
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2018
Let's discuss Easter in Japan
Compared to other imported festivals, Easter in Japan has never really taken off. But why?
LIFE / Lifestyle
Mar 31, 2018
Will Japan ever join the great Easter egg hunt?
A year ago, J-pop star Kyary Pamyu Pamyu released a song with lyrics and a promotional video that were as saccharine as a chocolate bunny. The song was titled "Easta" — a play on Easter and "a good start" in Japanese — and the video had dancing eggs, capybaras and fried-egg UFOs shooting laser beams....
Japan Times
Apr 8, 2017
Steamed cake that looks like an egg: Form over flavor
The simplest way to transform a ho-hum sweet into something that jumps out at customers is to make it look like a different foodstuff altogether. I've lost count of how many bland creampuff-like treats I've eaten during my lifetime simply because a machine shaped them to look vaguely like a strawberry....
Apr 1, 2017
Easter in Japan shows signs of life as businesses tap the final festival frontier
Easter is one of the few major calendar events in the West that goes largely unnoticed here — until now, anyway.
Mar 26, 2016
Ten thousand rabbits shot in New Zealand Easter hunt
Hunting for chocolate eggs is popular Easter event, but in New Zealand it was bunnies in the firing line at an annual rabbit-shooting event in one district where they are regarded as pests.
Japan Times
Apr 3, 2015
Kobeya Kitchen hops into Easter
The Kobeya Kitchen chain of bakeries found mostly around major train stations is celebrating Easter with a limited-edition treat in the form of a dessert shaped like a rabbit (¥238).
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 24, 2014
Easter Island's ancient inhabitants weren't so lonely after all
They lived on a remote dot of land in the middle of the Pacific, 3,700 km west of South America and 1,770 km from the closest island, erecting huge stone figures that still stare enigmatically from the hillsides.
Mar 16, 2013
The Sandman and other gift-bearing creatures
Easter is upon us, and you know what that means: chocolate rabbits! Each year on Easter Sunday, a magical rabbit (actually a hare) comes out of the forest and brings baskets full of eggs, candies, toys and chocolate rabbits. The Easter Bunny, as he is called, hides the baskets inside each house, and...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Mar 21, 2012
Hunting a golden Easter egg in Japan
Can Disney get the Easter egg party started in Japan?


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