Tag - east



Events / Events In Tokyo
Jan 17, 2013
'Driftwood' duet to be the first of its kind
The first duets on two "driftwood" violins are being performed in Japan by leading Mexican violinist Adrian Justus and his teacher, Yuriko Kuronuma, a Mexico-based Japanese violinist.
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2013
Patti Smith hopes 2013 is about rebuilding
By the time you read this, Patti Smith will have been in Japan for nearly a week. The iconic poet, author, painter and "Godmother of Punk" hasn't yet played a gig with her band; that will come later. First, Smith is reconnecting with a country with which her affinity runs deep.
Japan Times
Nov 7, 2012
Beijing's Senkaku goal: Sub 'safe haven' in South China Sea
What's at stake in the smoldering diplomatic crisis with China over the uninhabited Senkaku Islands, which only seem to attract fishing boats and ultranationalists?
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
May 13, 2012
Getting away from it all on Aguni Island
I set out for the hospital lecture hall in high spirits, looking forward to a relaxing, refreshing stay on this tiny and seemingly uncrowded island.
Japan Times
Jul 17, 2011
Volunteering with three teens in Tohoku
Many people want to go to the Tohoku region to help in the colossal clean-up following the magnitude-9 Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 and the resulting tsunami that hit some 400 km of the coastline.
Mar 6, 2011
Minding the tensions over changes in China
The closing decade of the 20th century offered a crystal ball for anyone peering into the future of the Asia-Pacific region. Japan's economy, once the region's leader, was "lost" after its asset bubble burst, whereas China overcame the economic stagnation that followed the Tiananmen Square crisis of...
Feb 16, 2011
Good sense of the Arabs
They wouldn't do it for al-Qaida, but they finally did it for themselves.
Dec 24, 2007
Opportunity for progress in Middle East
NEW YORK — Recent reports by The Associated Press that Hamas leaders seek a ceasefire agreement with Israel should be wholeheartedly embraced as they offer hope of halting the vicious cycle of violence that has plagued both Israelis and Palestinians.
Jan 5, 2002
Yamanote adds English and standing room
Come April, Tokyo's Yamanote Line will be kinder to English-speaking foreign passengers.
Dec 5, 2000
Yohei Kono considers trip to Middle East to tighten links with oil-rich nations
Foreign Minister Yohei Kono may visit several Middle East nations, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, in early January if he keeps his Cabinet post after today's planned reshuffle, Foreign Ministry sources said Monday.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?