Tag - east



Japan Times
Sep 19, 2014
Obama picking targets while missing the point
Even if President Barack Obama cobbles together a plan to destroy the Islamic State, the problems bedeviling the Persian Gulf, and the greater Middle East more broadly, won't be going away anytime soon.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2014
Obama must get Congress to approve conflict
Today's issue for the U.S. is not whether the president should declare war but only whether he should even seek congressional authorization, for the protracted use of force against the Islamic State.
Sep 19, 2014
Parliaments need a say on war
Democracies urgently need to modernize procedures and structures for going to war with parliamentary debate and sanction, instead of by government fiat based on the instincts of a strong-willed prime minister or president.
WORLD / Politics
Sep 12, 2014
Ted Cruz booed for praising Israel at Christian gala
Sen. Ted Cruz abruptly walked off stage at a gala for Middle Eastern Christians after he was booed for urging the audience to stand behind Israel and Jews.
Japan Times
Sep 9, 2014
Can Palestine win the peace?
The tremendous sympathy and support Palestinians received from international observers because of the high price they paid during their 51-day war with Israel will be useless if the leaders of Hamas and Fatah fail to maintain a united front.
Sep 8, 2014
New sanctions on Iran to hurt peace prospects
New U.S. sanctions recently announced against Iran are aimed at making life difficult for Mahan Air and other entities. But the limitations are unlikely to move Iran to freeze its nuclear program and will instead damage prospects for peace.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2014
The Middle East crack-up
The horror stories emerging from northern Iraq, as well as the continuing slaughter in Syria's civil war, point to the unraveling of the state system established after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire almost 100 years ago.
Aug 29, 2014
Three timelines shaping Mideast developments
To shape an effective strategy in the Middle East, it is essential to understand three distinct timelines that are shaping developments: the short-term timeline of daily struggles, the medium-term timeline of geopolitical shifts, and the long-term timeline of sociocultural transformation.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2014
The spawning of Islamic State
It took just two years for Syria to descend into a Somalia-style failed state under the weight of the international jihad against Bashar Assad. This helped the Islamic State not only to flourish but also to use its control over northeastern Syria to stage a surprise blitzkrieg deep into Iraq this summer.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2014
When Europe slowly surrenders to intolerance
One unfortunate truth to emerge about the nature of the global anti-Israel movement this summer is that many protesters are challenging Israel's very right to exist, not its policies in the territories that it came to occupy in 1967.
Aug 14, 2014
Danger from loose nukes in volatile countries
The inherent danger in possessing nuclear assets becomes far more acute in a combat zone, such as today's Middle East, where nuclear materials and weapons are at risk of theft, and reactors can become bombing targets.
Aug 12, 2014
The less Muslims and Jews know each other, the more hatred grows
The memory of Jews has been rubbed out through much of an Arab world that has become less cosmopolitan in the past half-century. So when an imam calls for 'death to Jews' these days, it is a call most easily pronounced by those who know nothing of those they wish to see dead.
Aug 1, 2014
Christian Arabs forced to flee
There were still about 60,000 Christians in Mosul when the U.S. and its sidekicks invaded Iraq 11 years ago. Only two months after the arrival of ISIS extremists, there are none. How did these and other Christian Arabs lose their place in the Arab world?
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2014
U.S. calls Chinese naval exercises a 'natural evolution'
An uptick in Chinese maritime exercises in the Pacific is a "natural evolution" and the drills will grow in complexity as the navy boosts its capacity, commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet Vice Adm. Robert Thomas said.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?