Tag - drinking



WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 21, 2014
Most heavy drinkers are not alcoholics, U.S. study finds
Contrary to popular opinion, only 10 percent of U.S. adults who drink too much are alcoholics, according to a federal study released on Thursday, a finding that could have implications for reducing consumption of beer, wine and liquor.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Oct 10, 2014
No charges over Palin family drunken Alaska birthday brawl: police
Anchorage prosecutors declined to file criminal charges over a bloody, booze-fueled brawl involving the family of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin at a birthday party, police said on Thursday as they released a report describing the melee.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2014
Bonding boozily over the pleasure and pain of Bukowski
The embrace of individuality combined with the pain of loneliness could explain why Bukowski's works have been embraced by many of the Japanese men I've met in Tokyo.
Aug 3, 2014
500,000 in Ohio without drinking water due to Lake Erie algae bloom
Some 500,000 residents in and around Toledo, Ohio, were without safe drinking water for a second day Sunday while local water supplies were being tested following the discovery of high toxin levels from algae on Lake Erie.
Japan Times
Jul 29, 2014
Tohoku University evicts 105 students from dorm over drinking
Fed up with a litany of poor behavior by drunken students, Tou00adhou00adku University in Miu00adyau00adgi Prefecture has decided to take the unusually harsh step of evicting all 105 residents from a school dorm by the end of September.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 17, 2014
Mutant worms may hold key to drugs blocking the effects of alcohol
Mutant worms may show a way to prevent people from becoming intoxicated from alcohol, a study released on Wednesday said.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 1, 2014
Toronto Mayor Ford exits rehab, says was in 'complete denial'
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said Monday that he had been in "complete denial" about his drinking and drug use before entering a rehabilitation clinic two months ago, and admitted that his struggle against substance abuse will never end.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Jun 26, 2014
Beer garden season begins with a hearty 'kanpai'
When the first Biergarten (beer gardens) started popping up in Germany's Bavarian region in the late 19th century, who would've thought that they would one day come to represent summer in Japan. Well, I guess it's not that unbelievable.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Jun 26, 2014
Drink responsibly when you're out with friends this summer
Now that we're well out of cherry-blossom season, the next round of outdoor drinking parties will take us out into the beer garden.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 4, 2014
Food labs fight organized crime
At first glance the sprawling campus amid glorious countryside looks an unlikely base from which to wage war against Italy's most feared crime organization, the 'ndrangheta.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 14, 2014
Migrating birds carried heaven-sent lager yeast
Lager drinkers can thank birds for their favorite tipple — that is the conclusion of U.S. scientists who say the yeast involved in making the amber nectar could have been spread around the planet by migrating birds.
Apr 7, 2014
With oath, university moves to end students' alcohol woes
A university in Hokkaido will ask its students to sign an oath not to engage in hazardous drinking after several alcohol-related incidents tainted its image.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society / FOCUS
Mar 27, 2014
Behind doors, drinking thrives in Iran
"Have a shot of tequila first, cheer up!" Shahriyar tells guests gathered at his luxury apartment in Tehran. His girlfriend, Shima, says they party every weekend.
Jan 15, 2014
No refuge from booze in Tokyo, paradise for alcoholics in denial
Many of us foreigners living here know deep down that we and many of our friends are at least mild alcoholics, masking each other's addictions, and the allure of alcohol is not an easy monkey to get of your back. It's difficult in any city, though living in Tokyo provides it's own unique set of problems.
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2013
Craft Beer in Japan
As most beer-drinkers in Japan know, there's beer and then there's real beer. Mark Meli's "Craft Beer in Japan" makes this distinction in the very first sentence, before setting out, in a little over 200 pages, to comprehensively look at Japan's craft beer industry.
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Apr 7, 2011
Hanami dilemma: to jishuku or not jishuku
Plan to defy the calls for self-restraint following the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and celebrate sakura anyway? There's a right way to do that.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan