Tag - donald-trump-jr-russia



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 12, 2018
For Putin, Helsinki talks with Trump said a win before they even sit down
For U.S. President Donald Trump, a summit with Vladimir Putin risks a political backlash at home and abroad. For the Russian president, however, the fact the summit is even happening is already a big geopolitical win.
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2018
Over 40 countries object at WTO to U.S. car tariff plan, fearing collapse of rules-based trading system
Major U.S. trading partners including the European Union, China and Japan voiced deep concern at the World Trade Organization on Tuesday about possible U.S. measures imposing additional duties on imported autos and parts.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2018
Trump to meet Putin in Helsinki on July 16 for first bilateral summit between U.S. and Russia leaders
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16 for their first bilateral summit as the leaders seek to reverse a downward spiral in relations that has been exacerbated by findings that Russia meddled in U.S. elections.
WORLD / Politics
Jun 27, 2018
Helsinki emerges as possible location for Trump-Putin summit: U.S. official
The Finnish capital of Helsinki is being considered as a location for a summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday.
WORLD / Politics
Jun 4, 2018
Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump 'bullying' and save nuclear deal
The world should stand up to Washington's bullying behavior, Iran's foreign minister was quoted as saying on Sunday by state media in a letter to counterparts, as the top diplomat intensifies efforts to save a nuclear deal after a U.S. exit.
Japan Times
May 25, 2018
U.S. bill would force tech firms to disclose if foreign adversaries probed their sensitive software
U.S. tech companies would be forced to disclose if they allowed American adversaries, like Russia and China, to examine the inner workings of software sold to the U.S. military under proposed legislation, Senate staff told Reuters on Thursday.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Apr 19, 2018
Trump contradicts himself over Comey firing, denies it was due to 'phony' Russia probe
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he did not fire James Comey "because of the phony Russia investigation," contradicting his 2017 statement that he ousted the FBI director last year over the probe.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Markets
Apr 17, 2018
Even as dollar slips, Trump says Russia and China are playing 'currency devaluation game'
U.S. President Donald Trump accused Russia and China on Monday of devaluing their currencies while the United States raises interest rates.
Japan Times
Feb 16, 2018
White House joins U.K. in blaming Russia for 'reckless' NotPetya cyberattack
The White House on Thursday blamed Russia for the devastating NotPetya cyberattack last year, joining the British government in condemning Moscow for unleashing a virus that crippled parts of Ukraine's infrastructure and damaged computers in countries across the globe.
Japan Times
Jan 26, 2018
North Korea exporting coal to South Korea and Japan via Russia despite U.N. sanctions: Europe intel sources
North Korea shipped coal to Russia last year that was then delivered to South Korea and Japan in a likely violation of U.N. sanctions, three Western European intelligence sources said.
Jan 15, 2018
China absence looms over Vancouver meeting on how to pressure North Korea
Foreign ministers from around 20 nations gather on Tuesday to discuss how to curb North Korea's nuclear ambitions through diplomatic and financial pressure, but China, seen as a key player in any long-term solution, will be absent.
WORLD / Politics
Oct 16, 2017
Trump re-election campaign raised $10.1 million in third quarter, spent $1.1 million on legal fees
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign raised more than $10.1 million in the third quarter of 2017 and spent $4 million, including $1.1 million on legal fees.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2017
South Korea warns North could launch ICBM, seeks more firepower as U.S. and Japan respond to nuclear test
South Korea's military says it has uncovered signs rival North Korea is preparing for a fresh missile launch, possibly of a long-range ICBM.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 18, 2017
Spicer: Trump Jr. met Russian to discuss adoptions, not to get dirt on Clinton
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer asserted that a meeting between President Donald Trump's eldest son and several Russians last year was about adoption policy for Russian children, despite emails Donald Trump Jr. released showing that he expected to obtain damaging information on Hillary Clinton...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 13, 2017
Trump claims he was unaware of son's 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was unaware of his son Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting last year with a Russian lawyer at the heart of a White House controversy, telling Reuters he only learned of it a couple of days ago.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 10, 2017
Trump's son, along with Manafort, Kushner, met Russian lawyer after promise of dirt on Clinton: NYT
President Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., agreed to meet with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the 2016 campaign after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton, the New York Times reported on Sunday, citing three advisers to the White House.
Japan Times
Jul 9, 2017
Trump returns from G-20 summit with little to show for his efforts
Ahead of his first Group of 20 summit, U.S. President Donald Trump took to Twitter to weigh in on his concerns.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2017
U.S. fears Russia could increase support for North Korea to fill void left by China
As the United States pressures China to enforce United Nations sanctions on its ally North Korea, Washington is concerned that Russia could fill any vacuum left by Beijing.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jun 9, 2017
Trump lawyer: Comey leaked privileged info, was never pressured to drop Russia probe
President Donald Trump's lawyer said he denies ever pressuring former FBI Director James Comey to pledge his personal loyalty or to drop an investigation of his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and accused Comey of undermining Trump's administration.
Japan Times
May 3, 2017
As U.S. and China find common ground on North Korea, will Russia aid Kim regime?
When North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent Lunar New Year greetings this year, the first card went to Russian President Vladimir Putin, ahead even of leaders from China and other allies of the isolated country, according to its official news agency.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks