Tag - disputed



Japan Times
Jun 29, 2020
U.S. aircraft carriers hold joint drills after ASEAN lambastes Beijing over South China Sea
The second dual carrier exercise in a week comes amid a flurry of U.S. and Chinese military activity in Western Pacific.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2020
Three U.S. aircraft carriers operating on doorstep of South China Sea
The deployment — the first of its kind since 2017 — is likely intended to send a message to Beijing amid rising tensions.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2020
Chinese government vessels seen near disputed Senkakus for 65 days in a row
Period is longest since September 2012, when the Japanese government bought some of the tiny islets from private Japanese owners.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2020
Troubling trends demand that Japan take action at sea
The Maritime Self-Defense Force will likely be relegated to second place permanently within this decade if China's naval construction program maintains its current pace.
Japan Times
Jun 2, 2020
China steps up its offensive against the Senkaku Islands
The China Coast Guard's pursuit of a Japanese fishing boat in Japan's territorial waters is a sign of things to come.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 30, 2020
Japan should reconsider state visit by China's Xi, LDP lawmakers say
The government was urged to 'carefully consider' whether the visit should go ahead amid China's poor rights record, the Hong Kong crackdown and moves near the Senkakus.
Japan Times
May 20, 2020
U.S. military faces down two challenges in western Pacific: COVID-19 and China
The U.S. military has battled to maintain its formidable presence in the western Pacific while reassuring allies about its readiness.
Japan Times
May 14, 2020
China to conduct major military drill simulating seizure of Taiwan-held island
The Chinese military is planning to conduct a large-scale landing drill off Hainan Island in the South China Sea in August to simulate the possible seizure of the Taiwanese-held Pratas Island in the future, Chinese sources familiar with the matter have said.
Japan Times
May 9, 2020
U.S. rearms to nullify China's missile supremacy in the western Pacific
A long-term struggle between the Beijing and Washington is at a turning point, with the United States rolling out new weapons and strategy in a bid to close a wide missile gap with China.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2020
Blow for China's virus diplomacy as 'One Sea' friendship song leaves Filipinos furious
A music video produced by China to promote its support for neighbors battling the coronavirus has backfired in the Philippines, attracting a flood of public criticism and an online petition that is fast attracting signatures.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?