Tag - diet-3



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 14, 2015
Parody of LDP security bills video goes viral ahead of Diet vote
An animated video released by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party that attempts to explain the need for the security bills currently being debated by the Diet has spawned a scathing parody that attempts to shoot holes in the ruling coalition's argument for the legislation.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 10, 2015
144 local, prefectural governments release statements condemning security bills
Local opposition is growing to security bills that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes to push through the Lower House next week, with 144 prefectural, municipal and town governments releasing statements condemning the legislation as of Friday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 9, 2015
LDP, DPJ take to Internet to mount security bill-related campaigns of persuasion
As Prime Minister Shinzo Abe prepares to ram through legislation that would drastically alter Japan's security stance, both the LDP and DPJ are taking their arguments to the people — via a variety of online media.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 8, 2015
Ruling bloc restates intention to plow security bills through Diet
The political storm over the government's security bills is intensifying as the ruling bloc restates its plan to ram the bills through the Lower House as early as next week.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 22, 2015
Diet session extended through September as Abe aims to pass contentious security bills
Abe and Komeito's leader decide to extend the Diet session by the most days in postwar history in a bid to enact the controversial security bills.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 17, 2015
Ishin no To leader lashes Abe over security bills
The ruling bloc had hoped Ishin no To would help the Cabinet enact controversial national security bills, but the party's leader flatly denied that.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 15, 2015
Speculation swirls over result of Abe-Hashimoto meeting
Speculation is swirling among the politically well-connected that Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto may have agreed to help Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pass contentious security legislation when the two met in Tokyo on Sunday.
Jun 15, 2015
Let's discuss voting age limits in the news
The move to lower the voting age will give an estimated 2.4 million people aged 18 and 19 suffrage.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 4, 2015
Some Japanese teens welcome move to reduce voting age, others apathetic
For high school student Aine Suzuki, the Lower House's move on Thursday to pass legislation that would reduce the voting age to 18 from the current 20 was akin to a dream come true.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 4, 2015
Wondering how long you have? Simple score gives 5-year death risk
Health researchers have developed a scientifically rigorous death risk calculator that predicts a person's risk of dying within five years and say they hope people will use it to improve their health.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 1, 2015
Abe forced to apologize after heckling DPJ lawmaker
As heated debate continued Monday in the Lower House over controversial security legislation, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was forced to apologize for barking at an opposition lawmaker during a previous session and interrupting her question.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?