Tag - diet-3



WORLD / Science & Health
Mar 23, 2014
Gut bacteria study may help cancer sufferers
Researchers have launched a pioneering study aimed at finding ways to type individuals according to the bacteria in their guts. The aim is to discover if some people's microbial makeup makes them more susceptible to the side effects of radiotherapy for bowel, prostate and other cancers.
Mar 18, 2014
Overhaul the electoral systems
Diet members need to set their sights on overhauling the electoral systems for both houses before the next national election and explore what kinds of systems would better suit the different roles of each chamber.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 31, 2014
Diet grills NHK boss on remarks
In a bid to dodge criticism that he is unqualified to lead NHK, its embattled president, Katsuto Momii, tells the Diet the contentious remarks at his first official press conference were not the broadcaster's official views but his own.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 28, 2014
Abe in Diet mum on storm over NHK boss' 'comfort women' stance
Seeking to avoid a political minefield, Prime Minister Shinu00adzo Abe declines to comment on NHK Chairman Kau00adtsuto Momii's recent explosive remark on wartime sexual servitude.
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 24, 2014
Abe talks economy, not diplomatic rifts, at Diet opener
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe opens the 150-day ordinary Diet session with a policy speech that reaffirmed his vow to push up wages and expand consumption to make his 'Abenomics' economic policy sustainable
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 23, 2014
Economy to be Abe's Diet focus, at least at first
This year's 150-day regular Diet session will open Friday with a key policy speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expected to play to his strength — the economy — rather than his controversial diplomatic or national security policies.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jan 16, 2014
Study dispels 'obesity paradox' idea for diabetics
The "obesity paradox" — the controversial notion that being overweight might actually be healthier for some people with diabetes — seems to be a myth, researchers report. A major study finds there is no survival advantage to being large, and a disadvantage to being very large.
Dec 21, 2013
Terrorists unite: All you have to lose is your freedom
Everyone had been wondering when the real Shinzo Abe would bare the dark recesses of his political soul. There had been some glimpses, but with Abenomics in a swoon amid growing skepticism about its sustainability, Japan's prime minister finally ripped off his mask as he rammed secrecy legislation through...
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Dec 16, 2013
Father's diet may affect offspring
Watching what you eat and drink isn't just for moms-to-be anymore. New scientific evidence suggests that the father's diet before conception might be just as important to a child's health.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 7, 2013
Passage of contentious secrets law ends extra Diet session
The extraordinary Diet session effectively closed Saturday morning after the House of Councilors enacted the state secrecy law despite raucous protests from the opposition camp.
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 6, 2013
Diet enacts controversial state secrets bill
The Upper House passes the state secrets bill despite soaring opposition over the lack of an independent oversight body to check the government's decisions.
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 3, 2013
Fast-tracked secrecy bill riles opposition
The ruling coalition forces through a vote to hold a mandatory public hearing on the state secrets bill without giving opposition lawmakers a chance to speak.
JAPAN / Politics
Dec 3, 2013
Abe shelves effort to gain passage of Turkey, UAE nuclear export deals
Due to the clash in the Upper House over the contentious state secrets bill, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government will not pursue approval in the current Diet session of two deals signed earlier this year to export nuclear reactor technology and know-how to Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Nov 26, 2013
Ruling bloc rams secrets bill through Lower House
The ruling coalition forced its contentious state secrets bill through the Lower House on Tuesday evening amid calls from all but one of the opposition forces for further deliberations on its provisions.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?