Tag - depopulation



Sep 10, 2015
Japan's silver-driven pacifism
The declining population threatens to push Japan off the world stage in the coming decades.
Aug 17, 2015
Robots launch operations in bank, hotel
Humanoid robots start work in a bank in Tokyo and a hotel in Kyushu amid concerns over a labor shortage in Japan's aging society.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2015
Moriumius project brings young life and learning back to the Tohoku disaster zone
A unique educational project aims to revitalize the Miyagi town of Ogatsu, which lost around 80 percent of its buildings and 10 percent of its 4,300 population to the 3/11 disasters.
Japan Times
Jul 11, 2015
Japan should re-examine the idea of marriage to help spur a baby boom
After decades of a national conversation about the need for more babies, there is still disagreement as to what sort of measures Japan should take in order to increase its birthrate. The obstacles are financial, social and physiological, and before they can be addressed properly they must be identified...
Jul 8, 2015
No fresh ideas on regional drain
The government is coming up short in developing fresh ideas to halt the population exodus to the big metropolitan areas.
Jul 4, 2015
Japan's troubling lack of romance
The recent survey showing that a large minority of young Japanese aren't interested in romantic relationships has troubling implications for the already low birthrate.
Jun 25, 2015
A bellicose China only for the foreseeable future
Careful analysis of China's coming demographic changes — rapid graying unprecedented in human history — shows that Beijing's seemingly unstoppable rise is heading for a brick wall.
Jun 13, 2015
Rural revitalization can be green
Revitalizing rural areas, in addition to slowing the exodus of people to big cities, could also lead to improved environmental conservation.
Jun 5, 2015
Job numbers up, but not quality
Current employment statistics may look good, but they belie a drop in the quality and earning power of available jobs.
JAPAN / Society
May 16, 2015
Is Japan becoming extinct?
The projected drop in the country's population raises some fundamental questions about its political and social future.
May 10, 2015
Perfect storm of factors conspires to empty Japan
While 'empty-house syndrome' may seem like a problem mostly afflicting rural Japan, it is already an issue in metropolises such as Tokyo and Osaka, and will become more so in the years to come.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / LOCAL POLLS '15
Apr 24, 2015
Vanishing communities find themselves facing shortage of leaders
At a glance, the town of Kanna in southern Gunma Prefecture looks like just another beautiful rural community, surrounded by deep mountain forests stretching along the Kanna River, which is touted as having some of the clearest water in the Kanto region.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 28, 2015
Local Politics: Heading for extinction?
"All politics is local."— former U.S. House Speaker Thomas "Tip" O'Neill
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Feb 4, 2015
In shrinking villages, abandoned graves are a sign of generational flight
In the nation's declining provinces, it is not only the living who are neglected.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan