Tag - democratic-party



Nov 6, 2013
Don't undermine inheritance bill
After weeks of foot-dragging within the conservative ranks, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party finally endorses a bill to strengthen inheritance rights for children born out of wedlock.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 27, 2013
Tea party darling Cruz burnishes conservative credentials in Iowa
Sen. Ted Cruz used a series of long-scheduled appearances in Iowa over the weekend to cast himself as the natural leader of a burgeoning conservative movement that nearly derailed the new health care law.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 27, 2013
White House rallies Democrats in effort to shore up health site push
By the time President Barack Obama acknowledged on Monday that his signature health care program had serious problems, it was clear the political stakes had escalated for the White House.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 16, 2013
Boehner's control of his caucus slipping
Republican House Speaker John Boehner started Tuesday with a last-ditch attempt to exert control over his restive caucus, proposing a new plan to open the government and raise the U.S. debt ceiling in an effort to give Republicans a bit of leverage.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 2, 2013
Federal budget deadlock could stretch into debt-limit fight
Washington begins bracing for a prolonged government shutdown on Tuesday, with signs on Capitol Hill that Republicans — knowing that blame almost certainly will fall most heavily on them — beginning to look for ways to lift some of the pressure.
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Oct 2, 2013
Founding Fathers having big say — with a little help
Early last Wednesday, Republican Sen. Mike Lee rose in the Senate to recite a quotation from George Washington. It was, Lee said, Washington's own account of his last day as president in 1797.
WORLD / Politics
Oct 2, 2013
GOP disappoints big-business backers
In 2010 and again in 2012, companies on Main Street and Wall Street did just about everything they could to help Republicans win elected office in Washington.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 2, 2013
Democrats find rare unity in budget fight
Shortly before the government shut down, House Republicans crafted their final spending offer, including two health care provisions designed to scare red-state Senate Democrats facing re-election battles: one to delay the Affordable Care Act's unpopular individual mandate and another removing subsidies...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 2, 2013
New U.S. health care law exchanges see much interest, some glitches
Millions of Americans flooded government websites Tuesday to get a long-awaited look at insurance options available under the Affordable Care Act, but the high traffic contributed to widespread computer problems on what President Barack Obama hailed as a historic day.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2013
U.S. shutdown damages political system, but Republicans seen at greater risk
There will be plenty of collateral damage from the government shutdown that began early Tuesday — from federal workers to ordinary citizens — but the most serious effects are likely to be felt inside a Republican Party that appears divided and in need of leadership.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 1, 2013
World perplexed by U.S. shutdown
As the U.S. government creaked toward a shutdown Monday, the world looked on with a little anxiety and a lot of dismay, and some people had trouble suppressing smirks.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Oct 1, 2013
'Not-so-conservative' Republicans may be key to solving U.S. fiscal drama
The most conservative tea party-backed members of the House GOP have been the center of attention in the ongoing fiscal drama, but the key to a solution in the coming days may be a different Republican bloc altogether.
Sep 29, 2013
Unions mull a 'Labor Party'
The Japanese Trade Union Confederation, feeling somewhat estranged from the Democratic Party of Japan, is mulling the idea of realigning opposition parties into a labor party.
Aug 31, 2013
Naoto Kan speaks out
Naoto Kan took his first steps in the world of politics around 40 years ago as a pugnacious citizen-activist, admonishing those with power as only those without it can. He likes to say he's the same man now, but of course there's an irony in that. After all, in the intervening years he acquired about...
Aug 30, 2013
DPJ needs innovative new policies
To reinvigorate itself, the DPJ must recast its policies in a way that will distinguish them from those of the Liberal Democratic Party.
Aug 23, 2013
Less Diet time by prime minister
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party wants to reduce the amount of time that the prime minister and Cabinet members are required to Diet committee sessions.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 4, 2013
Female Democratic contenders emerge in '16 nominee battle
When Hillary Rodham Clinton dropped out of the 2008 presidential race, she famously said that she had put "18 million cracks" in the "highest, hardest glass ceiling" and that her candidacy ensured that "the path will be a little easier next time" for a woman to run.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 28, 2013
Weiner wife emerges as husband's chief defender despite repeat of sex scandal
It was his news conference, but it was hard to take your eyes off her. With Huma Abedin's emergence as her husband's chief defender and protector in a second sex scandal, she made a public transformation from being the victim of Anthony Weiner's transgressions to a full partner in his ambition.
WORLD / Politics
Jul 14, 2013
Passage of strict abortion bill highlights Democrats' uphill fight in Texas
The politically charged battle over whether to restrict abortions in Texas ended late Friday night when the state Senate passed legislation and sent it on to Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, for his signature. In the end, the fight underscored the challenges Democrats face as they look to break the Republicans'...
Jul 3, 2013
DPJ ruins chance at power reform
The multipartisan anti-bullying law enacted by the Diet is no panacea for the nation's schools as it fails to take into account all aspects of the bullying problem.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan