Tag - davos



Japan Times
Jan 20, 2020
Global survey finds capitalism is apparently doing more harm than good
A majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good, a survey found ahead of this week's Davos meeting of business and political leaders.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2020
Japan ranked 15th worldwide for social mobility: World Economic Forum report
Japan has the 15th highest level of social mobility in the world, according to a report published Monday by the World Economic Forum.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020
Jan 20, 2020
WEF gathering in Davos strives for solutions amid global instability
In 1971, the inaugural European Management Symposium was held in Davos, a ski resort in the Swiss Alps, the event a precursor to what would later become the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020,Tackling Marine Plastic Waste
Jan 20, 2020
Creativity and perseverance for a sustainable future
The pollution caused by marine plastic litter has generated global attention in recent years. At the G20 Osaka Summit in June, countries agreed to take strong action to prevent and significantly reduce discharges of plastic litter and microplastics to the oceans, having adopted the "Osaka Blue Ocean...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020,Tackling Marine Plastic Waste
Jan 20, 2020
Islands of abundant nature spoiled by ocean waste
Situated in the Sea of Japan and wedged between the Kyushu region of southwestern Japan and the Korean Peninsula, Tsushima is a group of islands with a resident population of 30,000 people. The blue, clear ocean waters encircling Tsushima are a popular spot for fishing and marine sports, while on the...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020,Tackling Marine Plastic Waste
Jan 20, 2020
Local initiatives keeping the 'Singing Sands' alive
A beach of pure white sand extending for as far as the eye can see... Such a landscape is one fine example of particularly Japanese natural scenery. Kotohiki Beach, which has long been known as a place of picturesque scenery seems like something out of a painting. Many visitors reach the beach in Kyotango, part of Kyoto Prefecture, facing the Sea of Japan.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020,Tackling Marine Plastic Waste
Jan 20, 2020
Wood and paper surpass plastic
Japanese companies are addressing the global issue of plastic waste with traditional techniques, novel ideas and a strong desire to help bring about a sustainable, recycling-oriented society.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Davos Special 2020
Jan 20, 2020
How Japan can leverage its long history of stakeholder capitalism
The concept of stakeholder capitalism has long been familiar in Japan. Businesses have been aware of the importance of engaging multiple stakeholders and acting for the good of society since the Edo Period (1603 to 1868) and the Meiji Era (1868 to 1912).
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2020
Climate activists dressed as koalas set off on mountain hike to Davos
Climate activists set off on a three-day hike from Landquart in eastern Switzerland to the ski resort of Davos on Sunday to draw attention to global warming at the World Economic Forum this week.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2019
George Soros warns of China's use of AI to control citizens, calling Xi Jinping 'most dangerous' foe of open societies
Billionaire George Soros warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence in the hands of authoritarian regimes such as China and called the country's president, Xi Jinping, "the most dangerous" opponent of open societies.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2019
CEOs at Davos sour on Trump policies, warning they hurt business and investment
From center-stage in Davos last year, President Donald Trump told the world's corporate bosses that America is a great place to invest. It hasn't quite turned out that way.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2019
Abe makes sales pitch for Fukushima sake at Davos
On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a sales pitch for sake produced in Fukushima Prefecture.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 24, 2019
Bolsonaro says Brazil must reform or it will become the next Venezuela
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro pledged swift and sweeping measures to fix the economy and ward off what he said was a risk that Latin America's largest nation turns into a Venezuela-style regime.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2019
Abe calls for rebuilding of trust in international trade at World Economic Forum meeting in Davos
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took the stage at the World Economic Forum's 2019 Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, where he stressed Japan's commitment to enhancing a free, open and rules-based international order.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
A unique space for discussion in the face of uncertainty
The year 2019 is full of uncertainty.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Innovative ideas to address global challenges
As a forerunner facing various social challenges, including addressing the aging population, as well as environmental and energy issues, Japan is poised to find solutions and share them with other countries that are also expected to be confronted with these complex problems.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Data sharing among 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' goals
Launched in July with the goal of updating regulations that hinder effective usage of cutting-edge technologies, the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan has been helping the government lay out guidelines for an optimal future society.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Public-private collaboration key to challenges
Are our current institutions and global governance architecture sufficient to solve the new challenges the world is currently facing?
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Looking toward a digital future for a globalized society
Chief Representative Officer of the World Economic Forum's Japan Office Makiko Eda has held a number of leadership roles. | SATOKO KAWASAKI
Japan Times
BUSINESS / davos special 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Japanese entrepreneurs among Young Global Leaders
Every year, the World Economic Forum selects 100 of the world's most promising artists, business leaders, public servants, scientists and social entrepreneurs as Young Global Leaders. These people will join a five-year program that will challenge them to think beyond their scope of expertise and be more...


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?