Tag - current-account



Japan logged a deficit of ¥257.6 billion in the current account, a measure of trade and investment flows, compared with a surplus of ¥334.3 billion a year before, according to the Finance Ministry.
BUSINESS / Economy
Mar 10, 2025
Japan logs its first current account deficit in two years in January
The nation logged a deficit of ¥257.6 billion in the current account compared with a surplus of ¥334.3 billion a year before.
In digital trade, Japan's imports have been rising faster than its exports, amid the dominance of global information technology giants such as Microsoft and Google.
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 11, 2025
Japan's trade deficit for digital services rose to record ¥6.6 trillion in 2024
Japan's digital trade deficit is expected to reach ¥10 trillion in 2030, roughly equivalent to its crude oil imports in 2024.
Japan's current account surplus grew 29.5% year on year in 2024, the Finance Ministry said.
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 10, 2025
Japan's current account surplus hits record high in 2024
The surplus grew 29.5% from 2023 to ¥29.26 trillion ($193 billion) last year, the Finance Ministry said in a preliminary report.
Japan's current account surplus declined 13% in October from a year earlier to ¥2.46 trillion.
BUSINESS / Economy
Dec 9, 2024
Japan's current account surplus declined 13% in October
The country's trade deficit decreased to ¥155.7 billion from the year-before level of ¥487.4 billion.
Japan logged a current account surplus for the 16th straight month in May.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 8, 2024
Japan logs largest May current account surplus
The country logged a current account surplus for the 16th straight month.
Trade no longer generates a surplus in Japan, reflecting a surge in the cost of energy imports and an increase in offshore production.
BUSINESS / Economy
May 30, 2024
Yen's relentless slide revives Japan's interest in structural reforms
The currency's persistent weakness has alerted policymakers to more fundamental drivers behind it, such as the nation's dwindling global competitiveness.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 18, 2023
Imports fall for first time in two years, easing impact as export growth slows
The trend cushions the hit of a global economic slowdown weighing on exports, reflecting a fall in prices for commodities including crude oil and liquid natural gas.
Japan Times
Apr 10, 2023
Japan's current account swings back to black on overseas investment
The current account surplus stood at ¥2.1972 trillion ($16.59 billion) in February, the Finance Ministry said.
Aug 8, 2022
Japan runs first current account deficit in five months
The world's third-largest economy ran a current account deficit of u00a5132.4 billion ($980 million) in June, government data showed.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
May 19, 2022
Japan's trade gap widens as import costs surge on supply pressures
Japan's exports rose 12.5% in April from a year earlier, Finance Ministry data showed, led by U.S.-bound shipments of cars .


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly