Tag - crimes



Japan Times
Nov 30, 2016
Trump urged to stop acting 'surprised' as hate incidents soar since election
The number of hate and bias incidents reported across the United States spiked in the 10 days following Donald Trump's presidential election victory, according a report released on Tuesday by a civil rights advocacy group.
Nov 22, 2016
The ICC: death by a thousand cuts
The International Criminal Court is not perfect but it has proven able to make a difference. It must not be allowed to fail.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Nov 11, 2016
Crime at postwar low: 2016 white paper
Crime in Japan has dropped to a postwar low, but the bad news is that seniors are committing more offenses because they have nowhere else to go.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 9, 2016
Portugal anti-terror cops collar 20 from Dallas-based skinhead group for hate crimes
Police from Portugal's National Anti-Terrorism Unit arrested 20 ultra-nationalists on Tuesday in an operation that involved searches across the country as part of an investigation into attempted murder and other hate crimes.
Japan Times
Oct 30, 2016
Rohingya women say Myanmar soldiers raped them amid crackdown on militants
Rohingya Muslims say Myanmar soldiers raped or sexually assaulted dozens of women in a remote village in the northwest of the country during the biggest upsurge in violence against the persecuted minority in four years.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2016
The spirit of Nuremberg
Seventy years after the Nuremberg trials, it's time to give teeth to efforts to bring war criminals to justice.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 23, 2016
Trump uses policy speech to attack media, promises to sue accusers of sexual assault
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised on Saturday to foil a proposed deal for AT&T to buy Time Warner if he wins the Nov. 8 election, arguing it was an example of a "power structure" rigged against both him and voters.
Japan Times
Oct 17, 2016
International Criminal Court puts Duterte on notice as critics begin to speak up
The International Criminal Court has fired a warning shot over allegations of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines' bloody drugs war at a time when critics in Manila have also begun speaking up.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 9, 2016
Clinton to stay mum on Trump groping video until debate
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won't address Republican Donald Trump's crude video until their debate Sunday night, seeking to preserve the potency of the moment before a large audience, according to a campaign official who asked not to be named.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Oct 9, 2016
Trump's groping tape threatens Republican's plan to retain control of Congress
One lewd tape of Donald Trump bragging 11 years ago about assaulting women and getting away with it has upended a year of carefully laid Republican strategy to keep control of Congress.
JAPAN / Politics
Sep 20, 2016
South Korea foundation seeks apology letter from Abe over 'comfort women'
A South Korean foundation recently launched to support former "comfort women" has asked the Japanese government for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to write a "letter of apology" to the victims, a foundation official said.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Sep 12, 2016
Key Justice Ministry panel backs changes to Meiji Era sex crime laws
The Justice Ministry's Legislative Council approves a list of recommendations designed to bolster sex crime laws, a major step forward in toughening punishments for offenders.
Japan Times
Aug 28, 2016
Japan's men and women must stand together against the scourge of sexism
Sexism is one of the scourges of the nation. Fortunately, it's a problem that can be tackled through education. So why isn't anyone doing this?
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2016
U.N. program aims to collect data on domestic violence in Asia-Pacific region
Researcher Henriette Jansen was running a workshop in Southeast Asia on the best ways to survey women about domestic violence when one participant had an epiphany.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Aug 11, 2016
Ecuador will let Sweden interview Assange in London over rape allegations


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?