Tag - crimes-3



Japan Times
Mar 4, 2015
Stance on 'comfort women' undermines fight to end wartime sexual violence
The prime minister's declarations on preventing sexual violence in wartime fly in the face of his government's refusal to recognize Japan's responsibilities toward the 'comfort women.'
ASIA PACIFIC / Crime & Legal
Mar 4, 2015
India bans documentary about 2012 Delhi gang rape
A documentary film about the fatal gang rape of a woman in New Delhi in 2012 has been banned in India over concerns that derogatory comments made by one of the rapists could create an atmosphere of fear and tension, a police official said.
Feb 27, 2015
Yamashita trial as a monument to our humanity
Many U.S. commentators' assumption that Japan is beyond redemption because it is a 'war-crime nation' appears to have taken off at the trial of Tomoyuki Yamashita, who was convicted after the Pacific War in Manila for failure to exert 'command responsibility' over every action of his troops.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2015
Nonprofit's manga raises awareness of teen sexual exploitation in Japan
A Tokyo-based nonprofit organization is publishing manga booklets Monday that aim to safeguard juveniles from what it calls the increasingly serious reality of teen sexual exploitation in Japan.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Feb 17, 2015
Prostitutes in Strauss-Kahn sex trial withdraw damages claim
Lawyers for the four prostitutes who participated in sex parties organized for Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Monday they were giving up their claim of damages, saying it would be too hard to prove the pimping charge against the former IMF head.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 11, 2015
With focus on wartime past, Japan's global PR message could misfire
A campaign to correct perceived bias in accounts of Japan's wartime past risks muddling the positive message in a mammoth public relations drive to win friends abroad.
Japan Times
Feb 10, 2015
Former IMF head Strauss-Kahn testifies in French sex trial
Feminist activists threw themselves on Dominique Strauss-Kahn's car in protest Tuesday as the ex-IMF chief, once tipped to become French president, arrived at court to testify over his alleged role in sex parties with prostitutes.
Feb 1, 2015
Vatican found two in-house cases of child pornography in 2014
The Vatican, which is still struggling with the effects of a worldwide paedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church, discovered two cases of possession of child pornography within its own walls last year, its chief prosecutor said on Saturday.
Jan 18, 2015
Rajapaksa's surprise
While the new president of Sri Lanka, Maithripala Sirisena, says he wants to build a nation based on Buddhist principles of nonviolence and compassion, it is not clear if he is prepared to investigate charges that war crimes were committed during the 26-year-long civil war with the Tamil Tigers.
Japan Times
Jan 7, 2015
Never mind the facts — logic alone demolishes 'comfort women' deniers' case
Never mind all the living and documentary proof — the idea that 'comfort women' were somehow exempt from wartime coercion and organization is absurd.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jan 5, 2015
Prince Andrew steps up denial of underage sex with U.S. girl
Buckingham Palace stepped up its denial that Prince Andrew had sex with an underage girl introduced to him by a disgraced U.S. financier, and named the alleged victim whose anonymity was preserved in court documents filed last week.
Jan 1, 2015
Readers' letters: Roppongi, Ferguson, 'Massan,' Julien Blanc and more
Some emails received in response to Community articles at the tail end of 2014.
Jan 1, 2015
Palestinians join war crimes court after U.N. rejection
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed on to 20 international agreements on Wednesday, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a day after a bid for independence by 2017 failed at the United Nations Security Council.
Japan Times
Dec 29, 2014
Discussing sex crimes and Japan's 'safety myth'
A selection of responses to Rachel Halle's recent column, 'Foreign student's account of treatment in rape case points to gaps in Japan's safety myth.'
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 24, 2014
Ceiling collapse leaves Chinese panty thief exposed
A Chinese man who stole hundreds of pieces of ladies' underwear had his secret exposed after an emergency exit ceiling where he had been storing his hoard collapsed, state media reported.
Japan Times
Dec 8, 2014
Foreign student's account of treatment in rape case points to gaps in Japan's safety myth
Never did I expect that I would get raped in Japan. The story I am about to tell belies the image of the 'world's safest country' that often gets trotted out when people enthuse about Japan.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks