Tag - crimes-3



WORLD / Crime & Legal
Mar 31, 2016
U.N. widens sex abuse allegation probe against peacekeepers in Central Africa
The United Nations on Wednesday said it has widened an investigation of allegations sexual exploitation and abuse by foreign peacekeepers in Central African Republic and notified authorities in France, Gabon and Burundi about the charges.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2016
Evidence mounts of missed red flags in case of former Tokyo teacher facing U.S. child rape charges
Fugitive 'Mr. Wonder' returned to Tokyo in the 1980s and visited St. Mary's International School, witness says.
Mar 30, 2016
The Butcher of Bosnia, convicted
Justice has finally been served to former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, who has been found guilty of genocide by a U.N. tribunal.
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2016
Bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes
If the tenets of the Nuremberg principles and the Geneva Conventions were applied, both George W. Bush and Tony Blair would most likely be convicted for their roles in the Iraq War.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2016
Why the 'comfort women' statues should stay — and continue to disturb
On holiday in Hanoi, I found myself trying to explain 'comfort women' to my 13-year-old son.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Feb 3, 2016
FBI joins probe into Flint's 'man-made crisis' water contamination
The FBI is joining a criminal investigation into lead contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan, exploring whether any laws were broken in a crisis that has captured international attention.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jan 15, 2016
More aid trucked into besieged Syrian towns; U.N. brands starvation tactic war crime
A second batch of aid reached a besieged Syrian town and two trapped villages on Thursday and the United Nations accused rival factions of committing war crimes by causing civilians to starve to death.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Jan 12, 2016
Merkel facing pressure as German gangs target foreigners after Dec. 31 assaults blamed on migrants
German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced growing pressure to harden her line on refugees on Monday as the first extensive police report on New Year's Eve violence in Cologne documented rampant sexual assaults on women by gangs of young migrant men.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2016
Germany catches the North African disease
News that scores of women were sexually assaulted by young men of Middle Eastern appearance in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve will come as no surprise to women in North Africa.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jan 7, 2016
German cops seek three in New Year's attacks on women but counsel against 'blanket suspicion' of refugees
German police have identified three suspects in connection with attacks on women at New Year's celebrations in the city of Cologne but have not yet made any arrests, the interior minister of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) said on Wednesday.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2015
Islamic State sanctioned organ harvesting in document taken in U.S. raid
Islamic State has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group's Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the violent extremist group may be trafficking in body parts.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 23, 2015
Amnesty says Russians may have committed war crimes in Syria
Russia's bombing of Syria may amount to a war crime because of the number of civilians its strikes have killed, Amnesty International said Wednesday, presenting what it said was evidence that the air raids had violated humanitarian law.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Dec 20, 2015
Youngest member of gang involved in 2012 Delhi bus rape incident handed over to NGO
After a court refused to extend his three-year sentence, the youngest of six people convicted of the 2012 gang rape of a woman was freed Sunday, a lawyer said.


A woman passes an "akichi" (vacant lot) in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. The capital is littered with such small lots in part because of Japan's aging and shrinking population.
Dealing with rising land vacancies as Japan shrinks