Tag - crimea



Mar 26, 2014
The G-7 against Russia
The G-7 countries adopt an emergency declaration condemning 'Russia's illegal attempt to annex Crimea.' The question, though, is whether the G-7 is prepared to impose industrial sanctions that could hurt Europe as well, if Russia takes more bites out of Ukraine.
Mar 25, 2014
What does the Russian 'godfather' have in store?
In President Vladimir Putin's mind, the whole world has discriminated against Russia for the last three centuries. Russia's bloody despots — Catherine II, Nicholas I, or Josef Stalin — apparently never discriminated against anyone.
Mar 23, 2014
The rest of Ukraine promises only more trouble for Russia
Once again Russian President Vladimir Putin's rhetoric has made U.S. President Barack Obama seem out of touch protesting violation of international law, as the world knows the U.S. is the country that ignores it most.
Mar 21, 2014
Russia's wish to sideline self will shake up the alphabet
Russia is set to sideline itself from the global economy, and by doing so, it will usher in a new era in global relations. International sanctions are only the first consequence.
Mar 21, 2014
Putin's speech as benevolent czar
Russian President Vladimir Putin's truly regal speech to Parliament heralded Russia's unabashed resurgence as an unscrupulous, unpredictable player in a world where lies and raw might trump any kind of legal framework.
Mar 21, 2014
Nuclear-tipped pursuit of an old Eurasian fantasy
Russia's political elites seem far from willing to undertake a makeover in the image of the West. Indeed, their cultural attempt at self-definition compels them to close alliances with China and other Asian countries.
Mar 20, 2014
Putin's Crimean prize
Even if Russia does not send its military into any other parts of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin retains the threat of future action, if only 'reluctantly,' and will be able to keep Ukraine, and the rest of central Europe, on the defensive.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 19, 2014
Crimea welcomed 'home'
On March 16, Crimeans voted to leave Ukraine and become a part of Russia. While the politicians exchange their statements and the West prepares economic sanctions against Russia, the people are expressing themselves on social media
Mar 18, 2014
West has the moral authority to criticize Putin
Vladimir Putin, like Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s, is a hard-eyed realist, more than willing to trade an evanescent moral authority for the reality of actual authority. His bet is that the West is made of words when it comes to its criticism of Russian intervention in Ukraine.
Mar 17, 2014
Economic stakes for Putin
Regardless of the West's response to the Crimean crisis, the economic damage to Russia will be vast. First, there are the direct costs of military operations and of supporting the Crimean regime. Then there are the costs related to the impact of sanctions on trade and investment.
Mar 14, 2014
To achieve peace, the past must not be forgotten
The past must never be forgotten when trying to make peace between Ukraine and Russia. The U.S. risks war with Russia if it can't adjust the same reckless sentiments responsible in recent years for promoting NATO membership for Ukraine.
Mar 14, 2014
Will Putin's Crimea gamble backfire?
Although Russia could acquire Crimea, Russian President Vladimir Putin might not be able to keep Ukraine in Moscow's economic orbit. The crisis might have accelerated Ukraine's reorientation westward.
Mar 11, 2014
Ukraine batters a broken world
Surely the prize for the most cynical news item of the month should go to the announcement from Oslo that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014.
Mar 11, 2014
The charge of the lightweight brigade
Would America's late right-wing hero and former President Ronald Reagan have confronted a heavily nuclear-armed Russia's move to retake Crimea — 'gifted' to Ukraine by Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 — any differently than U.S. President Barack Obama? Not a chance.
Mar 11, 2014
Putin can afford the cost of annexing Crimea
Russian President Vladimir Putin has probably considered that the costs of absorbing Crimea and its roughly 2 million inhabitants will be high but not unbearable.
Mar 10, 2014
Contradictions over Ukraine
Western criticisms of Russia's move into Ukraine's Crimea region reek of double standards. Much of what is Ukraine today would not have existed if not for the creation of the Soviet Union.
Mar 9, 2014
The Ukraine balancing act
The crisis in Ukraine appears to be receding and morphing into a balancing act between the interests of Russia and the West, with Crimea set to vote on its future in a referendum.
Mar 4, 2014
A new cold war in the making?
Even if there is no war, the Crimea crisis is likely to alter fundamentally relations between Russia and the West, and lead to changes in the global power balance.
Feb 28, 2014
Russia's Crimean shore?
Today's Crimea, the traditional playground of czars and Soviet comissars, does not want independence from Ukraine; it wants continued dependence on Russia.
Dec 27, 2011
Exchange-rate delusion distracts America from need to restore productivity, trade links
If one looks at the trade patterns of the global economy's two biggest players, two facts leap out:


Akiko Trush says her experience with the neurological disorder dystonia left her feeling like she wanted to chop her own hand off.
The neurological disorder that 'kills culture'