Tag - computers



Jun 4, 2013
Supercomputer used to simulate disaster evacuations
University of Tokyo researchers have used the K supercomputer to develop a simulation for mass evacuations in case of tsunami.
Jun 3, 2013
In Britain, a debate over freedom of the tweet
After the recent slaying of a British soldier in a suspected Islamist extremist attack, angry social media users took to Twitter and Facebook, with some dispatching racially and religiously charged comments that got them quickly noticed on the busy boulevards of the Internet.
May 9, 2013
Common complaints, possible solutions in coming update
The problem: There's no central place for launching programs and changing settings. Windows 8 features a new start page that takes over the entire screen. The page is filled with boxes, or tiles, for accessing your favorite programs. But to get to programs you use less often, you need to slide up a menu...
Mar 16, 2013
Browser makers consider limits to tracking users
It is often hard to tell which is the Web's priority: helping you learn about the world or helping the world — and especially advertisers — learn about you.
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013
Android 'fragmentation' leaves smartphones vulnerable
In late October, researchers at North Carolina State University alerted Google to a security flaw that could let scam artists send phony text messages to Android phones — a practice called "smishing" that can ensnare consumers in fraud.
Feb 4, 2013
Proposed free U.S. Wi-Fi divides techs, telecoms
The federal government wants to create Wi-Fi networks across America, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.
Jan 28, 2013
Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force
The Pentagon has approved a major expansion of its cybersecurity force over the next several years, more than quadrupling its size to bolster the nation's ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer operations against foreign adversaries, according to U.S. officials.
Jan 28, 2013
Federal probe of Stuxnet leak targets officials
Federal investigators looking into disclosures of classified information about a cyber-operation that targeted Iran's nuclear program have increased pressure on current and former senior government officials who are suspected of involvement, according to people familiar with the investigation. Prosecutors...
Feb 12, 2012
Are supercomputers worth their super price tags?
"Why do we have to aim for the world's No. 1 — what's wrong with being the world's No. 2?"
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Feb 12, 2012
10,000,000,000,000,000 calculations per second
In today's ever-more digitalized world, we all have a tale or two to share about how personal computers have let us down: like how they refused to let us run different programs at the same time or how the data was so heavy that the damned device kept us on hold forever before conducting even the most...


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties